I have been a devotee of Morrocco Method‘s hair care products since 2014. Simply put, they completely revolutionized the health of my hair. From their line of hair cleansers to the conditioning mists to the scalp massager to the boar bristle brush and everything in between, my hair and scalp are the healthiest, happiest, and most beautiful that I have ever seen them.
You can read about a few of my experiences with the Morrocco Method products in these posts to get a better idea of just how amazing these products are:
- Making The Switch To A New Natural Hair Care Regime
- Are You Washing Your Hair Wrong?
- This Is What Happened When I Started Brushing My Hair, Again
And now, the bad news. I stopped using Morrocco Method’s hair care products.
No, it wasn’t by choice. I know better than to mess with near-perfection. But as you might recall, I lost everything I owned to toxic mold in early December 2014. This included my beloved Morrocco Method shampoos, boar bristle brush, and more.
That’s not me, in case you were wondering. 😉
I knew better than to grab some grocery store shampoo. Despite not having my arsenal of five shampoos to rotate through, there was no way I was going to destroy all those months of healthy hair with a bottle of scalp and hair stripping ingredients, natural or otherwise. I whipped up a few herbal rinses as I could quickly gather ingredients for those. (My tried and true coconut oil shampoo recipe was out of the question because I didn’t have all the necessary ingredients). I relied on those rinses for weeks.
That was basically ALL I used on my hair. I didn’t have my favorite scalp massager. I didn’t have my boar bristle brush. I didn’t have my favorite mists. I just washed my hair with herbal rinses every few days and hoped for the best.
While unintended, this little hair care experiment did prove useful. It clearly illustrated that Morrocco Method’s hair care products work. Period.
Here is what happened when I stopped using my normal Morrocco Method hair care products:
- My hair lost some (not all) of its shine.
- My hair was very limp, no bounce left at all.
- I had more frizz than normal.
- My grey hairs were much more noticeable (I will be sharing how these products practically re-engineered my grey hair in a future post).
- I had horrible, HORRIBLE dandruff.
- My scalp itched.
- My hair was greasy and accompanied by the greasy odor.
- I was losing more hair strands than normal.
In other words, my hair was a hot mess.
This was a very frustrating period of time for me. Obviously, I was already going through heck and back losing everything I owned, not having a place to live, dealing with mold related health issues, etc… Having disgusting hair certainly wasn’t helping matters. You’d be surprised how much a difference clean and healthy hair can have on you happiness and outlook!
Thanks to the generosity of Morrocco Method, I am beyond thrilled to report that I have an arsenal of a few of my favorite hair care products again. It took a couple of weeks to get things recalibrated but as of today, my hair is close to being back on track. I still have work to do but I will get there.
Did you hear that? That was me making happy little sounds of contentment as I brush my hair with my favorite boar bristle brush.
If you haven’t tried Morrocco Method’s hair care products, I highly encourage you to do so. I think you will be shocked just how much they change the health of your hair and scalp for the better.
Christina@theHippyHomemaker says
I am SOOO glad that I put the shampoo kit with the scalp massager in that box l sent to you lol, it was a last minute add in to the box too, when I was scouring my home for everything i had extras of, I immediately knew you would need some good natural shampoo! I totally know that feeling that getting clean makes you feel! It’s almost like that recent study on depression and clutter…it goes double for your own body!!
Jennifer says
You saved my sanity! 🙂 Most awesome friend ever.
Larissa says
I stopped using regular grocery store shampoo the end of September and was detoxing my hair for a few months before I found MM. I’ve been using their line of shampoos for a few months now and rotating the 5 with each wash and yet my hair is still GROSS! It’s constantly greasy (even right after I wash it) and I can barely brush it because it feels so sticky all the time, like there’s gel and hairspray that’s been sitting in my hair for a few days. And now I’m having terrible dandruff. What am I doing wrong?? I keep hearing how amazing they are, but they don’t seem to be working for me.
Sage says
I’m having the same problem. It’s been since before Christmas that I’ve been using them and my hair is awful. I do have very fine what used to be oily hair but since getting older the fine part has gotten worse but the oily part went away. I’m back to oily, stringy and hair feels awful. Hope someone has some ideas.
Alena says
You’re just going through the detox phase, don’t give up! Soon you’ll have the beautiful MM hair you’ve been hearing so much about 🙂
Jennifer says
Hang in there Sage! I am going to be recording a webinar VERY soon and I think it will help you a lot. Of course, this doesn’t solve your immediate issue. It sounds like you are still in the midst of a major detox period. Have you also been brushing your hair? That took things to a new level for me.
Merryrose says
I’ve been having the same problem and I’ve been using MM for over 2 months now. I’ve been doing the Zen Detox weekly.. brushing with a boar bristle brush daily.. all of it.. and my hair just felt chalky , greasy and awful. At least it wasn’t frizzy!I had all this grey greasy gunk coming off on my brush every time I brushed my hair..even right after it was washed. But the other day I tried just using a diluted ACV rinse after shampooing and it made a HUGE difference. My hair is smooth again.. manageable… not sticky feeling and finally easy to brush and feels smooth and light. And clean.
Cheryl says
I’m having the exact same issues. I feel like I need to wash my hair everyday because after I wash my hair, it feels terribly dirty & greasy. My hair isn’t shiny any more either. it’s hard to comb and when it drys, looks like I haven’t washed my hair in days. I know they said there would be a detox period but I’m getting frustrated waiting on some good results to come from this. I’m like you, I keep hearing how wonderful these shampoos and other products make your hair feel, but I’m not sure I can stand the detox period. any one with suggestions on what do try differently, please share. =)
thank you!
Katie Hamilton says
Hello guys!
You are definitely going through the dreaded detox phase. I would highly recommend doing the Zen Detox once a week for the next three weeks to really speed up the detox process. Make sure you dilute the shampoos 50/50 with water and shampoo twice when you shampoo. Be sure to brush with a boar bristle brush and massage the scalp 2-3 times daily. Avoid conditioners during the detox period, it will just make your hair more oily. If your hair is really oily, try the Blood of the Dragon Styling Gel! I had a HORRIBLE detox myself, it was sooo oily. The Gel saved me. It is aloe vera based and aloe vera actually helps to soak up excess oils. You can do a diluted apple cider vinegar rinse 1-2 times a week to get rid of extra build-up and oils. Make sure you are rotating shampoos each wash. If you want more personalized advice, please never hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are always here to help and we don’t want you to spend your detox wondering if you are doing something wrong.
Thank you!
Jennifer says
Cheryl, how long have you been using MM’s products? Have you also been brushing your hair and scalp, especially before you shampoo? I found that I needed to experiment with the shampoo to water ratio. My hair likes a 1/3 shampoo to 2/3 water ratio. 1/2 and 1/2 didn’t work. My daughter on the other hand needs that ratio. So you might try changing the water to shampoo ratio a bit.
Jennifer says
Hi Larissa! While this doesn’t help you much now, I will be recording a Webinar later this month that I think will really help you! Especially with the dandruff issue. Read my replies to some of the other commenters regarding shampoo to water ratio as well as the need to properly brush your hair and scalp. I think they might be helpful to you as well.
Lauren says
Hi Jennifer, I’m so sorry that you lost everything. I was working with you while I was at Morrocco Method. I just wanted to send my thoughts to you. I hope everything is going better. Best, Lauren
Jennifer says
Thank you Lauren! I enjoyed working with you while you were with MM. I hope all is well with you and I appreciate the warm thoughts.
Ana Banana says
better not start using this, so it never gets that bad when stopping 😀
Jennifer says
Haha! I know right? But the results are so worth it.
Disappointed says
“Epic coupon” code RastaMama23 does not work as of 2/10/15. 🙁
Erin says
Ditto on the coupon not working 🙁
Katie Hamilton says
The coupon code is up and working guys! 🙂
Jennifer says
Thanks for getting that fixed. 🙂
Jennifer says
The code has been fixed! Sorry about the issue.
(Was) Disappointed says
Yay! Thanks for the update 🙂
rozencutts says
Morrocco Method spends significant time in comprehensive hair consideration and they additionally have some skin and body care items. Their items are crude, vegetarian, pitilessness free, without soy, sans gmo, sans gluten and sodium lauryl sans sulfate and critical one for me. They are really totally concoction free and each fixing is the unmistakable name of a plant or mineral.
Lydaia says
is MM organic? I want to stop using chemicals that cause cancer and I found MM as a recommendation. Is it really chemical free??
Jennifer says
Yes it is! It is the only product that I have found that is completely chemical free and really works! While they are not certified organic, the ingredients are wildcrafted and tested to be GMO free.
Kris says
I have a question that I can’t find an answer to. Can you still get your hair colored or highlighted at the salon while using these products? I don’t know if I want to use the henna products. Thanks
Jennifer says
Hi Kris,
Yes, you still can although you will probably want to use the Zen Detox on your hair and scalp more often. I’m guilty of dying my hair from time to time and I just use the Zen Detox twice a week. The color stays well with using the MM products. My hair stylist tells me I have the healthiest hair he has ever seen. Although dying isn’t great, you can still have really healthy hair by using the MM products.
Mary says
Hi Jennifer, I have been using various no ‘poo-type hair methods for almost 3 years now. I’ve had to stop all but my favorite, but only usable once a month, of Greek yogurt with an egg. It has been the only thing to truly get my hair clear in probably a year. I ordered MM’s sample pack and have now washed enough to get through the 5 shampoos, and my hair is a gunky mess. Any ideas for this?? I did chemical dye my hair about 2 1/2 months ago, could that be contributing? I just want my hair to be clean!
Calvin says
I lik the article about your natural hair products .
I’m getting grey hair a speed of light in a young age.
Please which of your products can he played me even stop it permanently.
Calvin, Accra – Ghana