Quick announcement – I have created a brand new website dedicated to toxic mold awareness. It does not have any health related information so please continue reading this post on how to detox from mold exposure. However, it DOES have some of the most comprehensive information about mold from mold testing, to removing mold, to preventing mold, and everything in between. Check out Mold Help For You after you finish this post.
For years my health was a rollercoaster of unusual, maddening, saddening horribleness. Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was truly on a downhill slide to my end-game. Little did I know that it was toxic mold and it’s horrific offspring – mycotoxins – that were slowly trying to kill me. Mold toxicity is no joke.
Fast forward from December 2014 and I have been on a long, winding journey of recovery from mycotoxmosis and mold related illness. My now 10-year-old sidekick has been along for the bumpy ride with me. Life after mold is complex and full of ups and downs. But there is hope and recovery (to varying degree) is possible.
I wanted to write a book about how to detox your body from mold based on my recovery. What I did, how I did it, what products I relied on, what I learned, etc… However, since I am not a medical professional it was a huge legal mess to actually get such a thing published and the risk to me was too great. As such, I am turning the protocol I used to detox from mold exposure into an article that I hope you all will share far and wide. I will continue to update this post as I am constantly learning about different options and trying additional avenues to support my health and continue my recovery.
I want to share my journey as a source of inspiration, NOT medical advice. Everything I share here is what I did to detox my body from mold exposure and what had worked or has been working for me. I am not guaranteeing anything for anyone else. Although I will go out on a limb and say that I would be shocked if some of the things I did to detox from mold don’t support your recovery from toxic mold exposure.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I am not going to discuss products I used or supplements I took that did not help me detox from mold. Why? Because they were a waste of my time and I don’t want that for anyone who might be using my suggestions as a baseline for what they should do. If they didn’t work well for me, why recommend them right? So I am only discussing things that worked for me.
Are you ready? Then let’s get right to the business of how to detox your body from mold.
How To Detox Your Body From Mold Exposure
There are numerous ways to detox your body from mold exposure and I took a multifaceted approach. I made lifestyle changes, took various supportive supplements, and used other products that are known for aiding in detoxing and recovery. Recovering from toxic mold exposure takes time. You won’t see results overnight. For some people, it can be a years long process (my mold doctor said at least 5 for the average person). But the MORE you can do to support your body in detoxing, the better your chances are of regaining your health sooner as opposed to later.
Today I am going to look at three areas of detox. I will share the specific Products that I used or am using, Supplements I took or am taking, and Lifestyle Adaptations I made. Let’s get to it!
Products I Used To Detox From Mold Exposure
EC 3 Air Purification Candles
As an EC3 Candle burns, the heat from the flame aerosolizes and disperses an all-natural, antifungal ingredient embedded in the soy wax into the air. In independent lab tests, EC3 Candles were able to reduce the mycotoxin count in a room by 90% in less than 3 hours. The candles have no added fragrance, so as not to aggravate other chemical sensitivities that are common in sinusitis sufferers.
The reason I used and continue to use these candles was to lesson any air born mold and mycotoxin exposures that I might be getting from simply living life. Mold spores creep in to our homes pretty easily and these candles absolutely helped keep any hitchhikers at bay.
Continued exposure to mold will make it more difficult for you to effectively detox your body from mold. What goes in must come out and you don’t want more spores coming in on a regular basis.
If you would like to learn more about the EC3 product line and WHY it works, please check out my EC3 product review post. Want to grab some candles now? You can find the EC3 candles here.
The BEMER is designed to improve circulation thereby supporting the body’s natural self-regulating processes. Blood is the body’s universal means of transportation. Oxygen, nutrients, chemical messengers (e.g., hormones) and immune cells are all transported through our blood. When our body’s cells, tissues and organs are adequately nourished and metabolic waste products are removed, our bodies maintain a healthy balance and function properly. The optimal regulation of circulation is a prerequisite for ensuring good levels of health and fitness.
When you are in the process of detoxing your body from mold, it is imperative that metabolic waste be excreted. If your microcirculation is not functioning optimally, your body cannot remove the metabolic waste being stored in the body’s cells, organs, and tissues. In a nutshell, mold related toxins are found in this metabolic waste which is why you want and need it out of your body in order to recover from mold.
I added the BEMER into my detox protocol in 2019 and can honestly say that FOR ME, it was the missing piece of my detox journey. I only wish I knew about this when I began detoxing my body from mold in early 2015. I personally believe that I would have regained my health faster.
For more information on BEMER you can contact me directly or visit the BEMER product page.
Near Infrared Sauna
I discuss sweating further on in this post but in a nutshell while all sweating has a detoxifying effect, the sweat you produce as a result of using a near infrared sauna is the most detoxifying kind. Infrared’s deep penetrating heat is what most effectively stimulates metabolic activity, which in turn triggers the release of stored toxins through sweat, as well as through the liver and kidneys. I use a sauna for 20 minutes daily and have seen really amazing results system wide from using this.
Saunas can be expensive and they are definitely not all created equal. I now have a higher end sauna but this is the one I purchased initially and I was more than pleased with it. Make sure you purchase these bulbs and only these bulbs.
The rebounding motion stimulates all internal organs, moves the cerebral-spinal fluid, detoxifies fatty tissues, and is beneficial for the intestines. Many immune cells such as T-lymphocytes and macrophages are self-propelled through amebic action. These cells contain molecules identical to those in muscle tissue. All cells in the body become stronger in response to the increased “G force” during rebounding, and this cellular exercise results in the self-propelled immune cells being up to 5 times more active. These immune cells are responsible for eating viruses, bacteria and even mycotoxins, so it is good that they be active. Jumping on a rebounder directly strengthens the immune system, so it’s a big deal to do this!
I try to jump on my rebounder 3 times per week. Even doing this for 5 minutes per day makes a huge difference in your body’s ability to detox from mold exposure.
This is a great rebounder that really holds up!
Laundry Additive
Fabric and textiles, especially moisture-wicking athletic clothing, are great hiding places for mold and bacteria. That is NOT good for detoxification from toxic mold exposure. I used a great laundry additive product that tackles bacterial and fungal hitchhikers most laundry detergents fail to eliminate. It also neutralizes the musty and putrid smells that accompany mold, mildew, and bacteria problems. It is all natural, safe for all washing machines, and leaves clothes smelling clean!
Supplements I Took To Support My Body As I Detoxed From Mold Exposure
Sinus Rinse
While not exactly a supplement, this one is a BIG DEAL! You MUST rinse out your nose as part of any recovery process where sinuses have been impacted. Since mold spores and mycotoxins fly up one’s nose with ease, rinsing out your nasal passage is of utmost importance. I used this sinus rinse system twice daily for a year and then dropped down to every few days after that. My daughter still does sinus rinses daily and prefer this electric sinus rinse system.
It is important to note that you should never attempt to rinse your sinuses with just water. It burns like no other and your brain feels like it will explode. Always use the sinus rinse packets along with distilled water. I like to add Alkolol into the rinse as well. It really breaks up mucus for me.
Activated Charcoal
This is a huge one when exploring how to detox your body from mold! In order to get any sort of toxin out of your system, it is best to give it something to grab on to. Ideally, this is something that easily makes its way out of your system. By easily, I mean causes no disruption to your normal body operations.
Activated charcoal does an excellent job of grabbing mycotoxins and ushering them out of your cells. It isn’t instantaneous and takes a lot of diligence but this particular binding agent is well worth it. Basically, you likely won’t have much forward progress without a binder.
You can certainly use something like bentonite clay but I prefer the activated charcoal. If you do choose to use clay, that particular one is very convenient and doesn’t taste horrible.
When using a binder, it is crucial that you time it properly. It must be taken away from all food, beverages, and supplements/medications. 90 minutes before or after consuming anything is ideal. For the best absorption, take activated charcoal 90 minutes after a meal with lots of healthy fats.
In addition, you want to keep a steady stream of binders in your system. My doctor had me using activated charcoal three times per day, spaced as evenly as possible.
Not all activated charcoal is created equal. Just trust me on this one. That is an entire post in and of itself. These are the brands I recommended in order of what I used with the most success:
This is a supplement the entire world should be taking. If you have been exposed to toxic mold, then this is a must-take. Yes, this has a funny name with plant-based ingredients from the Amazon rain forest but please trust me when I say this supplement is gold. It has the potential for most people to get into your DNA and repair your body on a cellular level. To date, there is no other supplement that has been scientifically proven to do this.
With Over 500 Hundred ingredient specific Research and Clinical Studies, PhytoZon was scientifically formulated to Enhance, Promote and Support:
- DNA Repair on a Cellular Level
- Cell Production of IGF-1 to Repair/Rebuild Cartilage
- Brain/Body Balance – Mental Clarity, Focus/Recall
- Mental Cognition and Concentration
- Energy, Vitality, Increased Strength, Well Being
- Joint Health, Flexibility, Mobility, Endurance
- Skeletal Health, Posture, Back and Neck
- Heart Health, Eye Health, So Much More…
This is great stuff to feed your body with. You can read the in-depth article one of my practitioner’s wrote about how Phytozon works for mold illness here.
You know what else it does? Repairs damage to your cells from EMF exposure. It also acts as a shield to prevent more damage from occurring. I saw the power of PhytoZon in action through muscle testing. Click on that EMF link above to learn more about how I know that this supplement works.
If you would like to purchase PhytoZon you can do so here.
Glutathione is another important supplement you can put into your system. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and primary antioxidant for detoxification. It’s found in nearly every human cell, and medical experts say that lifespan is directly equivalent to the amount of Glutathione in your body. With its ability to protect and detoxify, it also provides crucial immune system support. It’s also worth noting that glutathione is incredibly well researched. In fact, thousands of clinical studies have been conducted on this powerful antioxidant.
Glutathione is a tricky substance however. You can’t just pop a pill and call it good. It has to get into your system in a very specific manner. Liposomal glutathione is one option but it has to be special ordered through a practitioner and it contains a couple of ingredients that I am not thrilled about. It needs stabilizers and I just prefer not to put anything extra into my system when there is a totally pure and effective means of delivery available.
While I did use liposomal glutathione for a bit, I made the switch to the Life Wave Glutathione Phototherapy patches. Let me tell you…best decision ever! I have had my glutathione levels tested at regular intervals and they are stellar! This is great news for my body’s ability to detox.
I could regurgitate all kinds of info on phototherapy science and how the patches work but instead, I will send you here to learn more.
In order to ensure that other people had access to these patches, I created an account with the Life Wave company. If you decide to place an order, you will need to give them my customer account #. That is 890946.
Brain Support
Mold and mycotoxins wreak havoc on your brain. While you need to detox your body from mold you also need to detox your brain from mold. You may or may not realize the impact initially but believe you me…things are going awry in your brain.
I noticed some pretty serious neurological effects and I certainly wanted them reversed. I used a couple of different products to help support my brain health and after two years of use, I really did notice that a lot of healing had taken place. I still have some difficulty with comprehension at times but it is only when someone is speaking to me. It takes me a few extra moments to really digest what they are saying. Beyond that, I am just as sharp as I was before.
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a naturally occurring phospholipid in the brain that has an important impact on specific neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Numerous clinical studies have indicated that 300mg of PS taken daily demonstrated positive support on attention, concentration, focus and memory. I absolutely believe that PS played a huge role in my brain detoxing. My doctor was adamant that there was only one brand worth its weight. I tend to agree. MRM PS 100 is the only brand I trust and use.
The other product I used was the Prevagen Mineral Supplement. This is a unique product as it contains apoaequorin, a vital ingredient for brain health. Apoaequorin was originally discovered in jellyfish of all things. It has a loyal following and I tend to believe that it really does help with memory issues specifically. PS is a more well rounded brain support product and Prevagen is specific to memory. They make a great combination!
Antifungal Nasal Spray
When it comes to your sinuses, the bottom line is that you HAVE to get the mold spores out of our nose. Your entire immune system is compromised until you do. Many antifungal nasal sprays are harsh. The ones my doctor initially prescribed were brutal and my daughter would go into fits at the sight of the bottle. We powered through for far too long. It wasn’t until 2016 that I discovered a more natural option that works!
CitriDrop Nasal Spray is an effective tool for combating bacterial and fungal infections in the nose. This homeopathic nasal spray relieves sinus congestion and inflammation caused by mold and does so very gently. My daughter loves this stuff!
We use the CitriDrops Nasal Spray daily to combat the everyday mold we are exposed to from going outside, shopping, and the like.
For 12 months, we used CitriDrop Nasal Spray in conjunction with Sinus Defense Nasal Spray. Sinus Defense is a homeopathic colostrum-based Transfer Factor. Discovered in 1954, Transfer Factor was discovered to transfer immunity from one person to another (example: mother/ child via breastfeeding). Sinus Defense boosts the immune system’s ability to better identify, remove, and remember foreign antigens. This enables the bodies T-cells, the core of our body’s adaptive immunity to allergens, to effectively remove the foreign antigens.
I still use the Sinus Defense Nasal Spray as needed. I have found it helpful during “sick season” as well.
Additional Supplements
While there are many additional supplements I take, they are tailored to my own individual needs. There are also other products I use and love but in reality, they just provide additional support and are not “critical” to detoxing from mold like the ones mentioned above.
Lifestyle Adaptations I Made
I steered clear of ALL inflammatory foods and foods known to be contaminated with mycotoxins. Your body cannot properly recover if it is being bombarded by inflammatory foods. You need to keep our system as calm as possible. The common inflammatory foods include:
- Sugar
- Gluten
- Dairy (cow)
- Corn
- Alcohol
- Processed Foods
- Synthetic Sweeteners
- Food Additives
- Peanuts
As for foods that are known for being moldy or contaminated with mycotoxins? I wrote an entire post about it. Check out Mycotoxins In The Food You Eat.
I exercised daily and tried to break a sweat. Exercising seems like a no-brainer but really it is the sweating part that is more difficult than it seems. I would make sure to dance (this is my favorite dance workout), take vigorous walks, hike, and rebound darn near daily but I didn’t always break a sweat. Sweating releases toxins and while any exercise is beneficial, the most healing kind involves sweat. So try to exercise for a good 45 minutes daily making sure you get a good sweat going.
I ran air purifiers in every room. You can’t expect to detox your body from mold if you are taking on rogue mold spores from the environment. You need to filter those invaders out before they invade you. Mold comes in from the outside due to daily living. And of course, it can happen if you have a mold event occur in your home. To mitigate any setbacks in recovery, air purifiers are key.
There are a lot of air purifier options and not all are created equal. The five I use and trust are:
- Germ Guardian (an affordable option but not as powerful as the next four)
- EnviroKlenz
- Austin Air
- Blue Air
- IQ Air
A Few Other Important Things Worth Mentioning
Labs and Other Testing
I do keep track of my health through regular labwork and some pretty cool “gut” tests. Twice a year I make sure to have the good old basic blood work done alone with a C4A test. I personally feel that the C4A lab is pretty important.
C4a has become the inflammatory marker of greatest significance looking at innate immune responses in those with exposure to Water Damaged Buildings. The complement system (C4A) is a group of proteins that move freely through your bloodstream. The proteins work with your immune system and play a role in the development of inflammation. Each complement activates inflammatory responses, with spillover of effect from the innate immune response to acquired immune response and hematologic parameters. These short-lived products are re-manufactured rapidly, such that an initial rise of plasma levels is seen within 12 hours of exposure to biotoxins, and sustained elevation is seen until definitive therapy is initiated. It is good to keep track of changes in your C4A levels.
If your doctor cannot or will not order the C4A test, you can order it yourself through Life Extension. Search for “Complement C4” to order. The test runs about $85.
GI mapping and the gut explorer test are two stool based tests that have been instrumental in my recovery. Both tests look at different things going on in your gut. They can identify damage from mold, bacterial imbalances, and so much more. I have been blown away at the level of information both these tests have given me.
It is amazing how much damage mold reaps on your GI tract. It is also amazing how much healing can happen when you know what is going on in there.
If you are interested in learning more about one or both of these “gut” tests, please reach out to me via email and I will connect you with my practitioner Elizabeth who can offer you a free consultation. (Please note that I DO NOT receive any sort of incentive for referring you. Elizabeth is one of the trusted professionals I have received care from and in my opinion she truly is a gut health expert.)
If you are interested in seeing what mycotoxins you are excreting, you can do so with a Mycotoxin urine test. You can order this yourself through Great Plains Lab. This test may or may not be useful to you but it definitely can give you some additional information about your detox progress.
Life Extension offers a Biotoxin Mold Illness Panel that can be useful when you are in the early stages of figuring out IF you have been exposed to mold and/or how much damage it has caused. Click this link and then search for Biotoxin to learn more about this test. You can order this test yourself.
The Right Practitioner
I encourage anyone who has been a victim of toxic mold exposure to find a practitioner who can help you from a “functional” perspective. Simply put, you want someone to take a holistic look at your health history, lifestyle, toxin and chemical exposure, etc…
While lab tests can be beneficial, there is so much more to health than what a test results says. From the foods consumed to the amount of water you drink, every little thing that goes into your body plays an important role in healing. So do find a practitioner you can trust. If you would like to know who I used with success, feel free to contact me. All the practitioners I have seen work with patients remotely. You can also check out my list of “mold doctors” here.
Sources for mold related information include but are not limited to:
- https://www.drthrasher.org/Publications
- https://iseai.org/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=Janette+Hope
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27441918
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24437201
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23833705
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21951023
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24021601
Colton Constantine says
I’m trying to archive this information for my personal use offline, but you have set it up to only copy small bits at a time and it is a real inconvenience that I believe hurts your site more than whatever benefit you do this for.
Jennifer says
If you hit the “print” function on the post then you could actually save it as a PDF. Let me know if you have trouble with that and I will email it to you.
Aj says
Any suggestions for carpet? I suspect there’s mold on the mattress and the couch but we just moved in any suggestions? And it’s new furniture
Jennifer says
Yes! Check out this product for carpet. Works miracles. https://biobalancenow.com/product/biobalance-havenclean-solution/?wpam_id=1
Also I have a post dedicated to mattresses. https://moldhelpforyou.com/mattress-mold/
Let me know if you have any questions!
Sheri says
I would like to know who your healthcare practitioners have been. I am waiting to see someone in Atlanta, but his waiting list is long.
Jennifer says
Janette is amazing and she works with patients remotely as well as in person.
Janette Hope
Address: 304 W Los Olivos St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Phone: (805) 698-7483
Shannon d says
What kind of dr did you see and what do you do if they arnt treating you properly never mind the ones who have no clue
Jennifer says
Hi Shannon! This is the list of doctors that are trained in mold illness and truly know what they are doing. They won’t sell you a bill of goods. They all treat patients remotely as well.
Pam says
I was wondering when do you take the calcium d-glucatate and activated charcoal? Together? Separate? With food or inbetween meals. Thank you
Jennifer says
You ALWAYS want to take charcoal 90 minutes before or after any food or supplement. 🙂
Sheri says
I am trying to find a good practioner to help with my mold toxicity. Can you share some of those?
Jennifer says
Janette is amazing and she works with patients remotely as well as in person.
Janette Hope
Address: 304 W Los Olivos St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Phone: (805) 698-7483
k wallace says
courtneysnydermd.com She is an MD psychiatrist using a holistic, functional medicine approach to get people well.
Patricia McDermott says
i agree with the activated charcoal. i was living in mold for 7 years, it killed my 2 cats and i have had to do all the work to detox on my own. Drs wouldn’t believe me, i couldn’t get anyone to help me. i have been out of the place for 4 years and i’m still sick. it’s horrible. i tried all the detox protocols i could find and some worked a little bit but truthfully i feel there has been too much damage done. i actually got to talk to the scientist that interpreted my home test and he said that he was surprised that i wasn’t dead. fortunately i was already taking a lot of the supplements that are suggested for detox and i had several air cleaners in my apartment. that’s probably why i wasn’t dead. i had no idea i had mold but i have always supplemented because i worked out so much and i ran air cleaners because i had allergies. the activated charcoal has probably been the most help to me and it’s cheap. if you are sick from mold, this should be at the top of your list. i use diatomaceous earth too. together they work quite well as far as making you feel a bit better. it amazes me how little Drs know about mold and how unwilling they are to investigate. they want to tell you it’s something else and they want to treat you with crap that will make you even sicker! i have yet found someone that will help. it has affected every aspect of my life and it’s very difficult to function. it ruins your life and it’s a huge problem and Drs refuse to address and governments don’t want to talk about because there are so many buildings that are contaminated and they wold have to fix it.
Jennifer says
So very true!!! Like you, I would likely be dead if I wasn’t already doing detox work and had air filters. It is such a shame that mold related illness is still not seen as a legit medical issue.
Connie says
Yes, agreed! I’ve also tried almost everything in your blog and still get the brain fog feeling like you’re floating within your own head, ringing/buzzing in my head (though mild and better than before, it never went away no matter what I tried) and have spent who knows how much. So devastating, followed Dr. Heyman (my previous MD), Dr. Ackerley, and many naturopaths who suggest so many supplements. I even tried Quantum Biofeedback, fascian counterstrain for draining fluid from brain and spine with low lever laser (helped a ton). Takesumi is far better than Bulletproof charcoal, FYI. I’m doing the Lifewave X39 patch which is amazing but even that made me feel spacey/foggy due to the rapid detox. The herxing is the worst. I still feel much better than before but I have yet to find someone who has fully recovered. So sad for my 3 kids who are now high school and college, one of them has horrible brain fog still. Mold is everywhere and now I have to worry about their future!
Shannon d says
Same here the drs and hospital said i need mental help
Jennifer says
I got told that SOOOOOOO many times. I sometimes want to go back and rub their ignorance in their face. 😉
Gene Aum says
I realize this is an older post but since that time Dr. Neil Nathan has published an amazing book: Toxic
That book and data-mining the Faceb00k group ‘Toxic Mold Support’ have provided a goldmine of info.
Deb says
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for putting all of this info out there!
I live in MI, and am very sick from mold and many other toxins. Is there anyone who you know of in this area who could treat me in a more natural way?
Thank you!
Elizabeth Campagna says
Hi Jennifer! My husband & I both a house 5 mos. ago that we’ve discovered has black mold. We’re now in a hotel (because we started getting sick) trying to navigate our situation. We have a 1, 3, 6 & 16 year old, 2 dogs & 2 cats. All of your suggestions are wonderful, but it seems expensive to tackle them all at once. So, where should I start & what do you suggest for children & pets?
Jennifer says
Hi Elizabeth! This is a pretty big question. I need to get a little more info from you. Would you mind emailing me please? https://hybridrastamama.com/contact-me/
Syd says
Thanks for this super useful post. I’m working with a mold toxicity-literate doc for two toxic mold exposures in two homes. Ugh.
QUESTION: Running an air purifier (I have an IQ Air Plus) at the same time you’re using the EC3 candles and/or Better Air Ecological Balancing System seems like it would be at cross purposes. That is, the air purifier would suck up, for lack of a better term, the good things the EC3 candle and the probiotics are putting in the air. (And maybe the EC3 candles would do the same to the probiotics. How did you navigate that?
The concept of the Better Air Ecological Balancing System sounds great. But, all the places I’ve found that sell it say they are out of stock. I don’t know if this product is still available, do you?
Thanks very much,
Jennifer says
So glad you found my website and that it has been helpful! The folks at Microbalance actually recommend that you use the candles at the same time as they help purify anything that gets “stuck” in the air filter. Because the EC3 candles purify so quickly (whereas the air purifiers take a longer time to perform an air exchange), you don’t loose any of the benefits from the candles. I typically only use the candles once a few hours per week now so I hadn’t given much thought to the issue of the probiotics getting “cleansed out of the air” by the candles. I need to look into that. However, the same concept applies to using the air filters and the probiotics at the same time. The Better Air system is apparently being upgraded and the new unit will be out in January.
Minaku says
Same! About to go onto the THIRD apartment with a mold problem, as im poor and therefore have to take what the subsidized housing programs give me.
Hooray for corruption!
Lindsey says
Hi there! You have some wonderful posts that are packed with amazing info! I have been exposed to mold as well and tested positive for the labs that say I am being exposed and for sure have a immune issue! My house was tested and tested unsafe for someone with my genetic makeup. I have been on a healing journey for the last year. I have done all the detox measures from clean organic eating, coffee enemas, daily sauna, bemer pad, foot detox, removing ALL chemicals…you name it! All these measures have helped tremendously but I still wasn’t right. I removed myself from my environment and have been out for about three months and that has made more of a difference than anything! I still have issues about daily and major chemical and food sensitivities, although better! Sorry that was soooo long, my question is….since all testing says mold, I have been prescribed CSM and Welchol. I didn’t see in the posts I read that you ever mentioned these? I’m curious of why? I’m convinced that I am not going to get better unless I follow the Shoemaker protocol. I haven’t started due to being hesitant due to my sensitivities but I’m getting very curious and I would like to know your take on these detox measures. Thanks so much for the great info!
Jennifer says
Hi there! Great question and sorry you are going through all this. Essentially, CSM is a binder. The environmental doctor I saw was in line with Shoemaker but deviated a bit in an effort to save her patients money. In her experience, other binders like Activated Charcoal and Betonite Clay (in high doses) work just as well and are much gentler on your system. I agree. Obviously Welchol is the same things as CSM, just formulated slightly different. My main concern with both medications is that you are using a med designed to lower cholesterol to do things that more natural supplements can also do (and do with fewer known side-effects.) Also, as a personal with multiple chemical sensitives, I would be very cautious about using these. Personally, I wouldn’t do it. I believe in the Shoemaker protocol but I absolutely believe that there are adjustments, the the ones I mentioned, that can be safely made. If you want to chat more offline, just email me!
Mike says
Be very careful with activated charcoal. Much of it is produced in questionable third world manufacturing plants, and owing to its high adsorbency, it will pick up many contaminants in the environment it is produced and stored. Certain brands have made me very sick.
CSM isn’t any more dangerous than activated charcoal, particularly if you are taking it without excipients (available at compounding pharmacies). It’s completely inert and is made to USP standards (unlike charcoal). It also has a much much higher binding affinity. If you look at the document linked below, you will see a comparison of AC and CSM in the approved washout procedure for the enterohepatically circulated drug Terflunomide. Look at page 4 – it takes 100 GRAMS of charcoal per day to equal half the effectiveness of 4-8g cholestyramine 3x per day. 100g of charcoal is about 200 capsules or 36 teaspoons!
If you want to get better any time soon, please give CSM a chance.
Minaku says
Not to mention CSM rots your teeth. How good can it possibly be for you?
Jennifer L Jones says
I have black mold inside my body n it’s in my chest, I need advice pleasehelp!!
Flip says
Just read your post. I think I have mold symptoms but not sure. Def live in a moist converted basement with prior leaks and no air circulation with three Chihuahuas in the adjacent room who use the bathroom all over the floor and it is cleaned at a later time, sooooooo yeah, def not ideal. Anyway, have been having breathing problems and at first blamed it on smoking bud, but after I stopped that my breathing issues persisted. Long story short, did you have breathing issues also, because I think my breathing problems may be from mold.
Jennifer says
Hi there! I am so sorry you are going through this. I personally did not have breathing issues but my daughter did. Leaving the environment cleared them up quite a bit and the detox protocol we followed took care of the rest.
Glenda Fluharty says
I am extremely sick.I can’t eat anything painful dizziness is so bad I can’t drive.I be been out of the place with mold for over a year.had 2 steroid shots.iv
Jennifer says
Have you done any sort of detoxing?
Corina says
Hello, I am 35 years old and this past year I have been diagnosed with MTHFR gene where my body cannot get rid of toxins on its own. However I was diagnosed with mold being at 9000.I have been sick for a year now, I am really weak, I cannot go on stairs at work, sometimes I hardly walk, etc. My hair is falling , I am REALLY BLOATED, and I gained 20 pounds of inflammation, water weight doc says ( must mention I was really active at the gym before this occured). I have been a vegan for a month now which seems to help a little. I do not eat dairy, sugar, gluten, carbs, soy, etc.
I eat very healthy only zucchini’s, squash, lots of avocados, onion soup, flax seeds and cannot give up my morning organic black coffee .
How can you workout for 45minutes everyday? Are you not weak like me?
I Have been doing detoxes for the last 4 months but it seems that I detox very slow. Am I going to get better? Also why do I get so bloated, I feel that I might have a parasite more then mold? Can anyone help me please
I have been seeing a doc thats very expensive $400 an appointment and he told me to keep detoxing.
Jennifer says
Hi Corina! I am so so sorry to hear that you are going through this. It is definitely a long journey to get back into better health but it can happen! The MTHFR gene throws a curveball at healing as well. Did you know that almost all coffee has mycotoxins? There are a couple of coffees on the market that are mycotoxin free. You probably want to switch to one of these. Here are links: http://www.us.foursigmatic.com/#_a_RASTAMAMA and http://amzn.to/2DZyw9V
I have days when I am stronger and days when I feel like complete poop. Working out can simply mean three, 10 minute walks at a pace you can sustain. The important thing is to just try to move your body.
What city do you live in? It sounds like you need to work with a different practitioner. I know a couple that work remotely with patients and might also know of someone local to you as well. Feel free to contact me offline as well. https://hybridrastamama.com/contact-me/
Yolanda says
Hi Jennifer.
I’m located in NYC. I need to find a mold specialist doctor. Can you make a recommendation? I am highly allergic to mold. My house tested positive. My brain is no longer functioning the way it was. The headaches are excruciating. The dizziness is scary causing me to vomit. I’m now feeling a burning in my throat. The hair loss is getting worse by the day. Starting my detox tomorrow based on your recommendations. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so generous with your information.
Jennifer says
Here you go! https://doctorsprouse.wordpress.com/about/ Dr. Sprouse is in private practice in New York City. You can contact her office by telephone at (212)725-5744 or fax (646)649-2461. I am so sorry you are going through this and hope that my suggestions help bring you healing!
Marina Rose says
Hi Jennifer, Thank you for this wonderful portal of information. I lived with black mold 12 years ago, and again recently. I have had a long list of health problems since my first exposure, and only recently have considered the role of mold in all my health issues. Is there a test I can order to get my mycotoxin levels measured? or do I need to go through a Dr? Best wishes you you, Marina
Jennifer says
Hi Marina Rose! This is the test I used and you can order it yourself: https://www.realtimelab.com/product/the-realtime-lab-mycotoxin-test-fast-simple-accurate-comprehensive/. This company also released a similar test. I haven’t used it but the price point is better. https://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/gplmycotox
Theresa says
I was exposed to mold over a year ago through the type of work I was doing. I am in Colorado Springs, CO and am in need of a doctor who will test and treat this issue. I am extremely sick and loosing weight and hair like crazy. Can you help in any way
Jennifer says
I am so sorry to hear this! Here is a list of the practitioners who treat mold related illness: https://www.drthrasher.org/physicians I used Dr. Hope as she works with patients remotely. I believe Dr. Gray in AZ works remotely as well.
Kamran says
Theresa, I’m also in colorado-springs and was exposed to 2 toxic molds for 3 years. Did you find a good doctor that was able to help, someone that you can recommend? I hope you’re doing better.
Thank you
Christine Re says
Hi Jennifer, I loved reading about your success. My daughter, 32, has mold toxicity as well as lyme disease. Can you tell me, do you have lyme disease as well – they seem to go hand in hand.
Also, would you say that at this point, after using all of the “tools” you have mentioned, are you 85 / 90 % better? How long did it take to get that far?
Thanks again!
Deborah says
Hello Jennifer,
So glad I found your site last night. I was exposed to mold a few weeks ago because my truck got damp and molded. I did everything to clean it and parked it in the garage to air out. Last week I put it back in the garage when arriving home but, failed to open the windows again. Yesterday I took it out and half way thru my errands I was getting a scratchy throat and by evening I felt weight in my chest. That’s when I began searching remedies. Some of them I already have among my supplements.
I used the link from your site to get PhytoZon. I tried ordering as a preferred customer but, I cannot find the link to sign up. I used their chat but have not received an email. Can you tell me what to do please. I appreciate all your help. Thank you.
Jennifer says
I am going to shoot you an email with a screenshot. 🙂
Deborah says
Sorry to bother you again Jennifer but, your link for the Glutathione Patches seems to be broken. It gave me a 404 Error page.
Jennifer says
Aaack! Thank you for letting me know! Here is the main link to their site: https://lifewave.com/hybridrastamama/ Just go to the Products tab then choose Patches.
Gabriella Klein says
Dear Jennifer
Thank you so much for this invaluable and comprehensive information. I am newly tested for 3 sky-high mycotoxins, but not aflatoxin for which I am immensely grateful.
I would very much like to know how you timed your charcoal/bentonite clay dosages. I am having difficulty fitting in two doses per day to space them apart from food correctly. Would you be prepared to share how you timed them, or what would be the optimal timings? I need to take into account also when I take the liposomal glutathione, which also needs to be taken apart from food and apart from charcoal/bentonite clay. Unfortunately I can not afford to order the glutathione patches as I live overseas and would have to pay 80% customs on it.
I am so thankful for having found your website. It is such a godsend of a find.
Jennifer says
You got my email! 🙂
Shiloh says
Quite some time ago I knew I had been sickened by mold and was subsequently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I pretty much concluded the assault to my immune system was the real culprit causing the auto immune reaction..
Recently I have been getting more and more sick but we have had 3 years of family crisis(traumatic injury of my son) we are just coming out of the worst of so I attributed my health decline to that.
Only as that has been somewhat relieved I am still getting worse . .we live in a half below ground level apartment from 1970. (Unfortunately the place is part of my job ad a property manager for the last 3 years) I just realized our cat’s issues fit mold allergy also. Aftwr a wrek at hoem stay cation I feel sicker than ever. I am getting mold tests today !
I expect I will be revisiting your recommendations. Thank you so much for sharing
Shiloh says
**After a week at home. Typos
Jennifer says
I am soo sorry that you are going through this but happy you have found my site! Feel free to reach out anytime with questions. I am happy to help!
Virginia says
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!
We recently informed that our unit has a high level of black toxic mold and allergens mold. We left our unit starting March, 2018 after living there for 5 years.
It is a year that I am really sick and have severe allergy rhinitis. I am highly allergic to chemical smells and spicy and salty foods. Before getting sick, almost for one and half months, I had a feeling that I cannot breathe like before. That there isn’t enough oxygen to breathe.
on May 11, 2017 when I got really sick, I went to different allergists and head and neck doctors for my symptoms without knowing about the existence of toxic black mold in my unit. My symptoms are severe congestion and burning of my brain which cause ringing in my ears. I have a feeling that there is a lack of oxygen reaching my brain. Also feel that my brain is active all the time and sends signals frequently causing ringing in my ears. I am feeling tired too.
Do you or anyone have these types of symptoms?
Do you know any specialist who treats mold toxicity close to me around Los Angeles, CA area? Please email me.
Thank you!
Jennifer says
Hi Virginia! Your symptoms absolutely sound like they are from mold and mycotoxins. You can see my post about it here. https://hybridrastamama.com/name-jennifer-mold-brain/
Also, here is a comprehensive list of doctors: https://hybridrastamama.com/toxic-mold-doctors-a-comprehensive-list/. There are several close to you!
Please reach out with any questions. I am so sorry you are going through this!
JM says
Hi. I’m glad to have found this article. I think I may currently be going through a serious case of being plagued by mycotoxins. This past December, I noticed that my feet were suddenly always freezing cold, as if I were standing on a block of ice. Little did I know that this was the first stages of peripheral neuropathy. Since then, my feet have begun burning and tingling. I still have the cold sensation. But not as much. I’m always tired, gassy, bloated, etc. But the neuropathy is my main concern because I really don’t want to lose the use of my legs nor the ability to work and be active. I visited my trusted naturopath a few days ago. And just yeaterday I submitted a urine sample to get tested for mycotoxins among other things. When my naturopath mentioned the possibility of mold toxicity, it seemed like a light bulb appeared above my head. I grew up in a house with a moldy basement, lived there until I was 20, and the recently moved back in about six or seven years ago to help my ailing father who has since passed away. In recent years, the flooding in the basement had become much worse than I had ever remembered. Luckily, I’m out of there now. But I’m worried that the damage has been done. I always knew that mold was supposed to be potentially harmful. But I foolishly thought that it would really only contribute to respiratory issues and allergies. Little did I know that it can cause mental issues, neurological issues, and a host of other horrible things. I’m convinced I’m toxic, even though I haven’t even received the test results yet. But now I’m really scared that the damage I’ve already done to myself by not realizing what was going on behind the scenes may be irreversible. The neuropathy is scary and all-consuming. It is the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think about before bed. I’m constantly monitoring the comings and goings of the symptoms, as well as feeling for variations in them all day long. Does anyone here have any experience with mycotoxin induced neuropathy? If so, how long did it take to resolve after beginning and sticking with a cleanse? I trust my naturopath will steer me in the right direction. But I guess I’m just nervous about whether or not I can actually rid myself of this. Of course, articles like this do give me hope that recovery isn’t impossible. It’ll just take some time and diligence on my part.
Minaku says
Boy do you sound like someone I know last fall and winter.
Mold certainly does create a panic.
Petros Y. says
Thank you for this extremely useful and helpful blog post. I’ve been trying to get rid of this black mold (stachybotrys) in my body since I got exposed in early 2015. Earlier this year, I took it to another level by doing a strict anti-fungal diet and taking anti-fungals like oregano oil and Pao de arco.
Despite that effort, I’ve actually gotten much worse since then. I feel like I’m so close to a point of no return. I’m trying to be brave but it’s very scary how bad my symptoms are getting.
After reading your post, I realized that there are many things I have barely even tried in my protocol. I have an IQair filter but I never considered how the BetterAir probiotic dispenser could help with the air quality. The candle and detergent that removes mycotoxins sounds awesome. Also, I haven’t gotten any of the anti fungal products like the sinus cleanser, which is crazy because I’ve always had sinus issues like pain and pressure and constant post-nasal drip and I never linked that to mold even when I became severely ill. Now I’ll be cleaning out my sinuses every day for sure.
I have ordered the aforementioned products and even a sauna. I can’t believe I ignored cleaning up my environment for so long. I hope this is missing piece of my treatment for this brutal condition.
Peter says
I have been cleansing my body for so long from l mold and I didn’t realize that even when you leave the moldy environment, that you still have to stay away from mold as much as possible. I haven’t been doing that which is why I have been feeling so much worse despite a strict diet and anti-fungal supplements. Also, I had no idea sinuses could play such a huge role in bodily symptoms.
Thank you for this information. I have ordered some of the products. I hope they help.
Carmen Frenkel says
As I have had IBS along with Toxic Mold poisoning, bowel movement is not always good. I would be concerned about taking a binder. Can you recommend anything else which is as good. I have had the poisoning since 2013. Also pretty severe allergies to many things – especially many herbs can cause rapid heart beat. Chlorella was excellent but affected my sleep which one needs to recover. It began regular movement for the first time in decades. I’ve stopped for now.
The worst thing is my blood pressure went off the charts. I tried some exercise which I thought would help. But I think it may be making by BP worse. Could this be true?
Jennifer says
Hi Carmen! This is a great option for the binder: https://amzn.to/2BHcJno While it still is a binder, it should not impact bowel movements. In fact, it can often help with that. If you believe you can tolerate it, I would try it out.
Do you have access to a dry sauna? This is another alternative. But you would need to go at least 3 times per week.
Exercise doesn’t typically make BP higher but it could if something else is also going on. What kind of exercise are you doing? Maybe you need to start slow with walks and work up. Have you added in any new foods or supplements during this time period?
Minaku says
Taking a medium sized clove of garlic about an hour before sleep will help you go to the bathroom, it kills mold, and lowers blood pressure and heart rate and will help you sleep. It’s also a natural blood thinner, so be aware of how that may affect you with whatever else you’re taking and whatever other hath issues you have. Mold can cause internal hemoraghing but also dehydration which thickens the blood. And I believe, many binders tend to thicken the blood.
garlic is also very good for the brain.
Jenn says
Question about the glutathione patches: How long do you wear each patch? I went to the website and saw that there are 30 patches in the box, but I could not find any info telling how long a patch lasts. Or maybe my moldy brain missed something that was right in front of me!
Jennifer says
Hi Jenn! They send you a little info packet when you order which of course doesn’t help you BEFORE you order. 😉 Your moldy brain is doing ok. The patches are worn for 24 hours. So one box is a 30 day supply if you wear one every day. I wore them daily for about 6 months and then dropped down to every other day. Now I wear them every other day or sometimes every three days.
rodrigo says
hola ,buenas tardes me gustaría saber si las personas que han estado espuestas al moho . cuando ustedes están cerca a las demás personas han notado alguna reacion de estas .si tosen o estornudan si se rascan la nariz .
Hello, good afternoon, I would like to know if the people who have been exposed to mold. When you are close to other people you have noticed some reaction of these. If you cough or sneeze if you scratch your nose ….
Marci Rosen says
Hi Jennifer,
This was one of the most comprehensive and well-educated posts on this highly uninformed subject! I have been researching it for a couple years, ever since my exposure to a toxic moldy apartment (that I have since moved out of). I am still experiencing bad symptoms, even after moving out of that moldy apartment. I LOVE all of your recommendations and have already read about some, and your blog served as a beautiful reminder… but others I had never heard of and I am very hopeful to have learned all this new information.
One main thing right now is I live in Los Angeles, CA and I am looking for a physician or practitioner who takes PPO insurance that can diagnose and treat me. I don’t have alot of extra money, so it’s tough to go to a practitioner that does not accept insurance. I understand that western medicine is kind of out of the loop on this training, so it can be difficult to find an MD that actually embraces the havoc that mycotoxins wreak on our bodies. I would be forever grateful if you could point me in the right direction on this?
Thank you so much for your help and keep these amazing blogs coming!
Jennifer says
Hi Marci! So glad you found me although I wish your circumstances were different! Have a look at this post: https://hybridrastamama.com/toxic-mold-doctors-a-comprehensive-list/ Since LA is a big place, I don’t want to suggest someone to far. A lot of the doctors in this list do take insurance. See if there is one close to you! If not, let me know and I will see who else I can come up with for you that would actually be of benefit!
Lance Corlis says
Restoration Healthcare takes PPO and is a terrific functional medicine clinic
Tori says
I recently had an exposure to an apartment with cigarette smoke pouring in from the neighbor as well as what we think has to have been mold, needless to say a very toxic environment. My dog developed fungal infection in all of his paws as well as ear infections that we had to treat and I developed what started as asthma attacks to the environment as well as a hypersensitive smell and fatigue. I have always been more aware of my body than a lot of people are as well as I am very focused on eating an organic diet without processed food as well as generally less sugar in my diet(just natural fruit sugars and honey) and I knew the environment I was living in was causing me these issues until one day I just said to my husband that’s it were not living here anymore I’m done. We moved out sold off almost everything, except for expensive electronics and some important paperwork I now keep in a separate cupboard. At first I thought you could fix clothing with Borax as well as vinegar and was washing first with Borax at high temperature with the clothes and second with Vinegar, at which point we were living with family while trying to find a new place to move into. When I was washing these clothes I suddenly developed multiple chemical sensitivity and became really sensitive to clothing detergent and could no longer wear any of the clothes. They caused me to be extremely itchy and now if I am even too close to clothes drying from detergent or people with parfume detergent or cigarette smoke the smell makes me really sick and often create asthma attacks. It’s gotten to the point now that even with new clothes I can smell the chemicals and am extremely sensitive to them, and in general I can really just smell EVERYTHING (it’s horrible!!!). I am really limited in the options of what I can even wear at this point and am never comfortable in clothes. The hypersensitivity of my nose is so extreme I can not live a comfortable day to day life and even as a Yoga teacher am finding myself no longer doing yoga because I don’t want to smell as a side affect of breathing,(not helpful for trying to center myself and calm the stress all of this causes). And with the discomfort of smell and clothing combined it’s really hard to get myself outside to exercise making it hard to sweat detox, especially during winter. I find I am now also consistently getting headaches as well as just experienced a 21 day period who I had to medically stop with prescriptions(I am not happy to be putting in my body since it’s clearly in a time of desperation) because the period was taking to much vital energy from me making me anemic and furthering the issues of fatigue, it simply could not continue. On the period I was often getting dizzy but as the period subsides it seems to be going away. I am extremely fatigued even after and have seen many dr’s and an allergist who all seem to be lost in my situation, the allergen specialist did blood allergy testing with negative results, I did a thyroid test with normal results and my other blood test only showed that I had a white blood cell count to low which the Dr’s don’t seem concerned about. I recently started visiting an osteopath hoping maybe it can help my body heal and am also going to see a naturopath, but I would like to know if you think these issues of sensitivity and hypersensitivity could be related to mold exposure and if from your experience it sounds possible that’s what I am dealing with? I have since boxed up in a separate room all of the clothing that was kept in our possibly contaminated apartment as well the only other things we kept were glass or metal and everything was thoroughly cleaned with Vinegar but I am wondering if I have to worry about my new clothes having exposure because of keeping the laptop and am also stressed about that since I can not currently afford to replace it.. I am also studying Aromatherapy and have a wide array of oils who I often use to diffuse with anti-fungal oils in our environment and am hoping this can keep our new environment minimized. I also never saw any active mold for example touch something in the place we were living in although there was some mold growing in the shower which I often sprayed with Vinegar to keep at bay, but am worried none of that matters because of the lovely spores. I never got the kind of mold tested unfortunately. I am just wondering how big of a risk keeping some electronics can be for recontaminating everything else. As for the new clothes I already had to buy a new washing machine because of an intolerance to even the residue of the old chemical detergent therefore the new clothes are only washed in a new machine with chemical free detergent. I also maintain a chemical free environment in my home. It’s been 3 months now since living in that apartment and with eating so health and living chemical free I just don’t understand why these sensitivities aren’t going away. Thanks for the information on the supplements I hope some of them can help!
Gabriella Klein says
Hi Jennifer
Love your video. Well done.
Just revisiting this issue after almost a year of following a mold detox plan greatly informed by this post. I am wondering whether you used anything to break down the mold biofilms. My Naturopath advised me to use Kirkman’s Biofilm Defense. Do you have suggestions for this?
Just wanting to say that I too love the EC3 candles, and I use the Citridrops in my nasal rinse twice a day, but my nasal issues have not resolved. Maybe it will take longer? By the way, I had to move house again, and now live in a dry and mold free flat. I had the air conditioner cleaned by a specialist who uses non-toxic cleaning materials to strip out the molds from the unit and the ducts. It was expensive, but worth it.
My next step is to buy the BetterAir probiotic system that I heard about recently. Apparently it was invented, and is made, in my country, so I’m happy about that.
Keep up the great work despite the difficulties from Google and other Internet fascists.
Jennifer says
Hi Gabriella! Yes, I have used Kirkman’s Biofilm Defense myself and thought it was a great product! You typically only use it for the short term. I don’t mention this in the post because it starts to cross the line of “medical advice” in the eyes of the FDA and FCC. Anyway – give that product a try!
Those candles are awesome!!!! Sinus issues take time…especially if you had a long term mold exposure. Just keep at it! You may need to consider adding in some Sinus Defense spray. http://microbalancehealthproducts.com/products/sinus-defense.html?rfsn=1068079.6c890 This works WITH the Citridrops and together they bring a lot more relief.
Thanks for the encouraging words. Reach out whenever! 🙂
Aletha Fulgham Dillon says
Hi, and thank you!!! I live in a mobile home in an extremely humid area. My hvac system is full of mold and spews it into and onto everything. I have every symptom listed on sites. I own the home, and have mold coverage insurance. WHAT IS MY FIRST STEP? Should I leave first & begin healing regimen? Can insurance companies declare a home uninhabitable, leaving one with no home? I don’t want to enact the coverage if that’s a possibility. Can I heal while in the moldy home? Any info will help. Tysm!
Jennifer says
Hi Aletha! This is a super loaded comment and probably best responded to over email. I will email you later today!
Carmen Frenkel says
Good site – thank you
I recently read some very negative information about Janet Hope. Hopefully it’s incorrect. I am in southern California about three hours from her. When I contacted her a six years ago after learning I had severe mold poisoning she had nothing to offer with regard to my severe allergies which were a result of mold poisoning.
She only said she recommends a rotation diet. I know there are more things one can do for allergies such as provocation neutralization or LDA allergy treatment. But mostly I need to get the toxins out of my body as they are causing dehydration noticed by the color of urine. Garlinase has been safe and I am going this weekend to try infrared sauna. Also Glutathione and Artichoke extract. I have read about them many times. I read some time ago that you must switch between the substances you take as the mycotoxins become accustomed. There are many good articles on the WEB about other things to do. Especially under Mercola’s listings. When you do an infrared sauna you need to find a special brush to use on your skin immediately after. I am looking for it today on line. Toxins need to be taken away from your skin after being perspired out. Actually I found infrared usage pretty inexpensive – about $35 per session.
Is there someone else you recommend in addition to Dr. Hope? I’ve found it almost impossible to find anyone who really knows what to do. So far they’ve taken my money and really don’t come through. As a result of the mycotoxins affecting thyroid and hormones I have a difficult time with blood pressure which is controlled by thyroid, so things such as many herbs are out of the question as they really raise blood pressure significantly. You have to check herbs out on line. They’re not safe for everyone.
You really have to do your research when you have mold illness. There are few doctors out there that are the real deal.
Donna Kasz says
I am working is a sick building . Have got hold of the mold test report it is bad how ever they are taking months to do repairs several people having symptoms and I am having major problems I am not able to think well and even spell
Tim Shirk says
Hi Jennifer, I live in Shippensburg PA and am hoping there is a mold doctor close by as I like to have a sit down in beginning, If not will travel for long distance for the best doctor you can recommend. I most certainly have had a mold infection for many years and have been doctoring with alternative doctoring similar as you describe but never had a true mold doctor. My biggest problem is all kinds of allergies which I believe is because my liver is clogged with mycotoxins. I have done many liver cleanses which makes me feel so good afterwards but it only lasts a few days up to a week probably because the mold continues to cast of mycotoxins constantly. Thanks in advance for your reply. Tim
Jennifer says
Hi Tim! Here is a list of mold doctors that you can review. There is one in PA but I do not personally know of her. She came recommend by a reader of my site. Take a look at this list and see who else may be within a reasonable driving distance. https://hybridrastamama.com/toxic-mold-doctors-a-comprehensive-list/ Let me know who you might be considering and I can share what I know about him or her. 🙂
Basia Brady says
I was exposed to severe mold contamination in a house for 5 weeks. I just got out a week and a half ago. It was inside a concrete block house in Central America emanating a toxic gas. I was having post nasal drip, itchy skin, tight chest, fogginess and panic attacks. Luckily, I had the sea by me and I could go out everyday and just chill and be in the sea. I also flushed out my sinuses with SinuCleanse. The house is not inhabitable. I am scared. How long do you *think* it would take to reverse this after only 5 weeks (even though the concentration was strong)?
But, i feel like my liver or kidneys are inflamed/sore. I am going to stop drinking. I am still in CA and everything is restricted now and I can’t get the items you list except for activated charcoal 260 mg – which I just got. I also bought oil of oregano and Omega 3 Fish oil 300 mg to boost my immunity. I also have and eucalyptus oil and a diffusor to help my lungs. The Activated charcoal is 260 milligrams. How much and how often should I take it.
My chest still feels tight and my ears are clogged still after living there. Also, its allergy season now, so I don’t know if it is exacerbating the condition. I have ear candles and I will try to do that soon. PLease help.
Jennifer says
Hi Basia! Everyone recovers at a different rate. This has to do with your HLA gene sequence. It determines how well you “detox.” Some people can live in mold for a decade and recover quickly and without much effort. Other people are exposed for a few days and don’t see improvement for a year or more. Continue flushing your sinuses every day. Try to eat as many vegetables as possible. Try to get a red or purple veggie in each day. Limit your animal based meals, especially red meat. This can create a LOT of extra inflammation you don’t need right now. Stick with fish and poultry if you can. Do not take Oil of Oregano right now!! Your system can’t handle it. It will kill off too many of the good guys. Can you get on a probiotic? Move your body as much as possible to get your circulation going so your cells can release the toxins. Ideally you will take 1000mg of charcoal in the morning and before bed. However, do not eat or drink or take any supplements 2 hours before or after the charcoal. It sucks EVERYTHING up! Please reach out if you have more questions.
Scott says
Thank you for your site and info!
your link to phytozon is not working..
Jennifer says
Thank you for letting me know! I went ahead and updated the link to purchase.
Amanda says
Hi! Thank you for sharing this info. The link for the infrared sauna that you used initially is not working. Could you tell me the brand of that sauna?
Jennifer says
Oh shoot! Looks like they rebranded and changed their website. Here is the new one. https://wellnessshoppingonline.com/sauna-fix-bundles/
I heard that charcoal is a safe binder to take when pregnant, would you agree? I have high ochratoxin levels, and I don’t know if I will be able to get out of the moldy house anytime soon 🙁
thank you for any advice!
Jennifer says
Yes, activated charcoal is safe during pregnancy. Just be sure to take it 2 hours before or after any food or medicines/supplements.