Electronic devices abound. Wi-fi is everywhere. Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs). Radiation. The assault on our brain and body is daily and constant. So what can we do to protect ourselves? Do EMF protection devices work?
I have written about EMFs twice now. Once, as it relates to a particular supplement that helps you repair your body at a cellular level due to damage from EMF exposure. The other is about ways to protect yourself from EMF exposure. There is a lot of great information about EMFs in general in that post. If you don’t know what EMFs are, where they are emitted from, and the health effects of them, then you should probably give that post a read.
In a nutshell, EMF protection should include, first and foremost, keeping devices as far away from our bodies as possible. But since the vast majority of us keep our cell phones, tablets / Ipads, and other devices ridiculously close 24/7, at the very least, we should be doing something to mitigate the effects of cell phone radiation. And let’s not forget Wi-Fi and 5G. We are surrounded by that as well.
So today, I am focusing on whether or not EMF Protection Devices work.
In my personal experience, many do. I am uber sensitive to EMFs. I know when something is working to deflect EMFs. (This is why I take my Phytozon religiously). I have muscle tested myself (and others) to see which products work and which do not. I have also measured EMFs using this device and seen a definite reduction in the concentration of EMFs when using EMF protection devices.
Conduct an internet search for EMF protection devices and the product choices will likely overwhelm you. What IS the best EMF protection?
There are lots of devices or shields that will stay between you and your electronic device deflecting, diverting, and shielding the radiation away from your body. Some EMF protection devices “harmonize.” Others “neutralize.” And still others “counterbalance.” So what’s this all mean and does it work?
It’s all based on an old, well known scientific principle: the Faraday cage. It’s a metallic enclosure that prevents electricity or electrical impulses – like cell phone radiation which uses an electromagnetic field – from traveling in or out. Its that simple. And it works to varying degrees. It really just depends on how the material used and how the product is designed.
You can’t block EMFs – devices and appliances would no longer work properly if at all. What you want to do is prevent EMFs from traveling out of a device and into your body where it can do damage to your cells. You need to strengthen the body’s own mechanisms for protection and adaptation against EMFs. Aside from taking Phytozon daily, is there a device that can do disrupt EMFs so they do not cause us harm?
The products I discuss in my post 6 Ways To Protect Yourself From EMF Exposure are all great choices . However, I want to look more closely at two specific companies who use some very interesting and innovative technology to protect you from EMFs.
EMF Solutions
EMF Solutions products organize or “harmonize” subatomic particles to prevent damage to the cells on our body. They do this by using earth-based materials which are scientifically proven to harmonize this way. The materials they use are proprietary, but they have tested them again and again in different combinations for maximum results. You can read more about the science and check out their studies here.
Aires Technology
Aires Technology has created products that are designed to neutralize the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. At the heart of the Aires devices are a silicon-based Aires microprocessor that neutralizes harmful radiation from electromagnetic waves. It’s a pretty cool twist on the whole Faraday cage model.
How It Works
First, an electromagnetic impulse from any electronic device is registered by the resonator antenna. As soon as the charge has accumulated, it is automatically redistributed to the silicon-based Aires (patented) microprocessor.
Next, a surface wave is created. Then, the microprocessor’s slitted matrix generates a hologram that is a three-dimensional structure with a regularly alternating maxima and minima of field intensity.
Finally, the resulting hologram interacts with external radiation, changes it (via the direct and reverse Fourier transform), harmonizing it with the body’s radiation.
This process prevents a conflict between external radiation and our body’s own natural radiation. It is this conflict that creates a dangerous environment for the body’s cells and creates a multitude of health concerns and chronic ailments.
Did Hybrid Rasta Mama Try These EMF Protection Devices?
Because I will ONLY inform you about products that I personally use, love, and trust, I had to put the EMF Solutions and Aires Technology product lines through their paces. Now, I am no scientist. But I DO react when I am exposed to EMFs en masse.
As you know, I have been taking Phytozon daily (and with amazing results) to protect myself against these harmful EMFs. Because of this, I had to stop taking this supplement in order to see if these EMF protection devices really work. So I went off the supplement for 4 days which was enough time for it to 100%% clear out of my system. I really only needed to go off of it for 48 hours but I wanted to make completely sure that I was tested these products with a clean palate so-to-speak.
After the Phytozon was out of my system and the EMF devices were disabled, I started to feel the EMFs around me. My arm hair likes to stand up when I get assaulted by EMFs and I feel “prickly.” I also get these “static electricity” headaches. Once this started to happen I knew it was time to put the various products to the test!
It is important to note that nothing happened initially. But that isn’t unusual. I have found that with other EMF protection devices I have used it takes a few hours to a couple of days for me to notice anything. Research indicates that this is because your body still needs to process the EMFs that have infiltrated your system before you began using the EMF protection devices.
Once my body wasn’t so overwhelmed with EMFs, I did begin to notice that the products were working. Quite well I might add.
It is also important to note that I did NOT use more than one product at a time. I wanted to see what each product was capable of.
Do the EMF Solutions EMF Protection Devices Work?
There are a LOT of products available from this company. In fact, EMF Solutions’ product line is the most extensive in the industry. I happen to own all of the products. In some cases I own more than one of a particular product. This alone should tell you that I am very confident in their products’ ability to protect me and my family with the dangers of EMFs both inside our home as well as those coming in from the outside (think cell towers and power lines and even your neighbor’s WiFi.)
The products I am focusing on from EMF Solutions include:
- Home Harmonizer
- Better ZZZZs
- Device Chip
- Laptop Chip
I honestly can’t say enough about the EMF protection devices from EMF Solutions. While it does typically take me a bit of time to feel them working, I noticed a difference with all of these devices much more quickly than I normally do.
I want to start with the Laptop Chip. My daughter always complains about “noise” coming from her Chromebook. She says she can hear a ringing and when she listens to something on her Chromebook is makes her ears hurt. Bad. So much so that she stopped listening to things on it. (Her Ipad already had a protection device on it for a while and she never complained about this with her Ipad).
I put the Laptop Chip on her Chromebook and didn’t tell her. The next day my daughter came to me with her Chromebook and with a perplexed look asked what I did. Apparently the ringing had stopped. I asked her to listen to something on her device and sure enough – no more ear pain. The look on her face was priceless when I explained what I had put on her Chromebook. Anyway – mommy is magical now. 😉
The Device Chip is absolutely one of my personal favorites. Thanks to my mold fiasco, I have air purifiers in every room. I also keep the air circulation going by running my ceiling fans year round. Air purifiers and ceiling fans are BIG producers of EMFs. Let’s just say my home (without protection) was one giant EMF field.
I placed a Device Chip on every air purifier, ceiling fan, the Wi-Fi box, my printer, the television, and the refrigerator. I had to do these all at the same time because there would have been too many EMFs floating around for me to be able to tell if using ONE Device Chip was really working. It took a couple of days but the weirdness if my head and the raised arm hair went away which is how I know the Device Chips were doing their jobs.
The Home Harmonizer is one of those devices that is difficult to quantify. I knew it was working because I know how I react to EMFs but since it provides protection on the outside of your home, it isn’t something you are going to stop and notice right off the bat. Its when you REMOVE it that you realize that the Home Harmonizer had indeed been doing something remarkable.
Would you like to try the EMF Solutions product line for yourself? Click here!
Do the Aires Technology EMF Protection Devices Work?
Aires Technology offers five different devices, all which have been tested to protect from 5G in addition to “regular” EMFs.
I decided to place the Lifetune One on my wi-fi router and on my laptop. I put the Lifetune Go in my purse.
Since I use my laptop for hours each day, I really focused on how I felt the Lifetune One was working. If I do not have EMF protection in place, typing actually causes a warming sensation in my fingertips. My wrists also feel “electric.” They have that static electricity feeling when I am using my laptop. Its sort of hard to explain but trust me when I say I know when my body is taking on EMFs.
Anyway – the Lifetune One was definitely working. Over the course of 5 days, I logged a good 30 hours on my laptop researching and writing posts for all of you! (I may have thrown in a newsletter as well). My fingers and wrists felt normal. My skin didn’t get all prickly. I didn’t feel any immediate ill effects from EMFs.
I am also very sensitive to areas where there are a lot of power lines. Luckily, there is a substation not too far from me with loads of power lines. I put the Lifetune Go in my backpack purse and took walks all around the substation for several days in a row. By day 2 I was no longer feeling like my body was being scrambled like an egg when I walked by. I forgot how bad power lines made me feel! I don’t think the Lifetine Go took care of every single thing the EMFs were doing to my body but it certainly helped by at least 80%.
Would you like to try the Aires Technology product line for yourself? Remember to save 25% when you enter HRMSAVE25 at checkout.
EMF Protection Devices That Don’t Work
This wouldn’t be a complete post if I didn’t discuss EMF protection devices that are a waste of money and/or simply don’t work. There are many that don’t unfortunately.
Devices Using PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field)
PEMF is known to provide health benefits for human cellular regeneration. Although this can be beneficial, PEMF will not eliminate or otherwise affect the BAD EMF’s that are present. You still need to mitigate the Bad EMF’s. Honestly, Phytozon works a million times better for cellular regeneration than any PEMF device. Plus it provides many other health benefits that PEMF devices can’t.
Strengthening Your Bio-Field and Crystal Therapy For EMF Protection
Crystal Therapy has a very broad metaphysical range of applications for good health benefits. Certain crystals do assist in strengthening the Bio-Field so supplementing with crystals is a good thing but not a full solution to bad EMF’s. Crystal therapy may strengthen the Bio-Field but this effect does not effectively mitigate or eliminate harmful EMF effects.
Some manufacturers that offer Bio-Field energy protection also add pendant type enclosures of silver, gold which greatly adds to the cost of such devices but doesn’t add any real EMF protective qualities. These “crystal matrix” type solutions can have the effect of strengthening the Bio-Field which is possible with the correct selection of crystals but this approach does not directly affect the bad EMF’s and do not transmute the harmful EMF’s.
The takeaway here – don’t waste your money on fancy, expensive EMF jewelry.
The Faraday Cage Method
Back to Mr. Faraday whom I mentioned earlier. It is possible to directly shield yourself from bad EMF’s effectively using the “Faraday Cage” method. There are some fabric materials which can provide shielding to high frequency damaging EMF’s. The problem with this method is that you cannot practically shield yourself in a fully encased shield material and go about your business during the day. Your head and brain (as well as many parts of the body) would typically be exposed under most conditions. While his methodology inspired a lot of the EMF protection devices on the market today, the literal concept of this isn’t practical.
The Bottom Line
Yes, some EMF protection devices work. You just have to find the reputable ones (like the ones produced by EMF Solutions and Aires Technology), muscle test yourself (if possible) to make sure you are responding to the product you selected, and then let the magic happen.
Ron says
With technology and different devices all around us, I believe it is important for us to protect ourselves with the BAD EMF they emit. I’m thinking this would also be good for the kids and teenagers that always have gadgets in their hands. Thanks for this informative post!
Colby Pearce says
Thank you for your post Jennifer. I appreciate the lengths you went to perform an N of 1 on the Aires Tech devices. Very helpful. Love and respect.
Caroline says
Hi Jennifer, The in-wall devices are not intended to fix cell phone radiation. They are supposed to mitigate dirty electricity. Since you’re a researcher, I thought you might want to check that out and report.
oxygen-cat says
The question is how effective are they? In particular, how effective is aires defender pro?
Jennifer says
I have found the Aires Defender Pro to be very effective and to work consistently. I used to promote some other EMF products but as it stands now, the products from Aires Technology and EMF Solutions are the only ones that I have found to work for YEARS and to do so without loosing “strength” for lack of a better description. They are very transparent and willing to answer endless questions from customers. They both stand behind their products.