My son recently suffered from a nasty case of Balanitis which frightened the heck out of me, because I of course have never experienced it and you never know how painful it is. I frantically scoured the internet searching for natural remedies and ways to quell the infection with no luck.
Chatting to mommy friends didn’t help either as only one of them had experienced the same with their son and they had resorted to using over the counter medication and antibiotics which I hoped to avoid. No one had heard of it before with their husbands and although it is very common (affecting 1 in every 25 boys), it is not something often spoken about because of the location of the infection.
My two year old son’s penis was inflamed and tender, but he was managing to urinate without pain and although it was tender he was not in agony – although he does seem to have a rather high pain threshold. I suspected a bacterial infection from touching it with grubby hands – little boys love to fiddle. π
Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis (the head, underneath the foreskin). The foreskin is often also infected as well as the shaft of the penis. It can be acute, lasting for only a short period of time, or it can be chronic lasting for several weeks, months or longer. It can also be recurrent.
During childhood and sometimes into puberty, the inner surface of the foreskin is attached to the glans. From about the age of two, the foreskin begins to naturally separate from the glans until it can be pulled back. This is a completely natural process which should not be forced. Most boys can pull back their foreskin by the age of 10, and 95 percent of boys can do this by the age of 17.
Balanitis is slightly more common in boys who haven’t been circumcised, and those who are not yet able to pull back their foreskin, but circumcised boys need to be vigilant too.

Symptoms of Balanitis:
- Red rash at the tip of the penis that may be scaly or ulcerated
- Pain, tenderness and swelling
- Itching and discomfort
- Discharge or pus from underneath the foreskin, which may smell unpleasant
- Unable to pull back the foreskin where before it was possible
- Other symptoms include a sore mouth, pain in the joints, swollen or painful glands and a general unwell feeling.
Possible Causes Of Balanitis
Acute Balanitis
- Exposure to bacteria, yeast or fungus. Bacterial infections create a bright red surface and glistening drainage. Yeast infections cause white spots and discharge.
- Irritant-contact Balanitis caused by contact to soap, detergents or antiseptics.
- Circumcised and uncircumcised babies sometimes develop Balanitis when they have diaper rash.
- Side-effects of many medications including painkillers, sleeping tablets, laxatives and antibiotics.
- Trauma to the penis or fiddling with the foreskin can sometimes cause balanitis.
Chronic Balanitis
Balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) is an inflammatory skin disorder affecting the foreskin, and sometimes the glans. It’s rare in children under the age of five.
Common symptoms of BXO include:
- White scarring on the tip of the foreskin
- The foreskin may become tough and stiff
- Pain when urinating
- Unable to pull back the foreskin (if your son was able to before)
The cause of BXO is uncertain but it may be the result of a viral infection. If left untreated, it may eventually cause the urethra to narrow, making it very difficult for your son to pass urine. In adults, if BXO is left untreated, there is a five percent chance that it may turn malignant (cancerous). However, there is no evidence of this in children.

Coconut Oil for Balanitis and Other Penile Infections
Coconut oil is high in lauric acid and caprylic acid which makes it anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. This makes coconut oil very effective at killing off candida yeast.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Balanitis
Apply coconut oil to the affected area 3-4 times each day. Coconut oil is most effective if you are also taking it internally.
I found an easily way to apply coconut oil topically without having to rub it into the inflamed and sore area is to heat it in a glass bowl over hot water, draw it up into a dropper and squirt it over and into (under the foreskin, if possible) the penis. Make sure the coconut oil is warm (room or body temperature), not hot!!
Coconut oil immediately soothed my son’s balanitis infection. After regular application in this manner the infection subsided and by the next morning it had completely cleared.
In conjunction with coconut oil, be sure to:
- Clean the infected areas at least twice a day with a weak saline solution if you think the infection is bacterial, or with a weak apple cider vinegar solution if you think the infection is yeast or fungus related.
- Take long warm baths in both the above solutions is soothing and helpful, two or three times per day. Splash clean the area carefully and let your son pull his foreskin back as far as is possible, very gently. In young children the foreskin will retract only slightly, so don’t force it.
- Epsom salts baths are a good idea too, as the magnesium in the salts help to draw out the infection, and promotes healing.
- Avoid using any soaps, bubble baths or oils or talc powders which may cause irritations.
- If you think the infection is yeast related, cut all sugar out of the diet and take a good probiotic supplement. Adding fermented foods and vegetables to his diet in the long term will help prevent recurrences.
Prevention of Balanitis and Other Penile Infections
Let your son learn good personal hygiene habits from an early age.
- Wash the outside only (like you would a finger) and do not retract the foreskin for him. Only the child will know when his foreskin can be retracted without pain and trauma so the first person to retract the foreskin should be the child himself.
- Cleaning his hands often, especially before and after handling the penis – so before urinating or fiddling. Fiddling is normal for toddlers as they discover their body.
- Trimming nails short and ensuring they are always clean. Long nails can cause trauma to the glans while fiddling.
- Avoid the use of chemical soaps or cleansers, and wash with natural soaps or plain water. This is a great, gentle all around body wash.
When to see a medical professional for Balanitis
- If symptoms persists for longer than 3 to 5 days.
- If the symptoms become recurrent.
- It becomes painful or difficult to urinate.
Note: If you son is intact be sure to inform your doctor that his foreskin should NOT be touched or retracted and to stay with your son at all times to protect him from a possible forced premature retraction.
Curious about what coconut oils I use and love? Find them here. Don’t forget to learn more about the various uses of coconut oil.

Sources used for this article include:
Jacquelyn says
Hi there, thanks for the info! Wondering if this would also work for a UTI and/or yeast infections for girls?
Christine @ African Babies Don't Cry says
Hi Jacquelyn, yes definitely. The ingestion and application of coconut oil (externally) would help kill bacteria and yeast causing the UTI. Also cut out all sugars and drink pure cranberry juice.
Ekitz says
Hello, could I ask you some questions via email? I really need to and some things aren’t clear in this blog.
vijaya says
I intercoursed with my wife may be during outdate ,so I itcy on my Orbison foreskin, its started pinning type itch my fore skin , so I visit go told same above reason, said some yeast or fungal infections, he dosed flucoti 150mg, two times ,cleared itch and white dischare infest foreskin, but remained pinning sense, it fired my penis tip ruptured, irrtiation while piss, mental stress ,later i visited skin specilist, clarified it is balanitis, I started search web ,now I applied coconet oil, amazing, healing fast, rather than antifungal cream dk jell, still healing feeling good let’s see
John steban says
What brand of coconut oil dis you use?
Michael says
Around Jan of 2013 I noticed discoloration on the head of my penis. The skin was starting to become visibly reddish in color. I didn’t experience any pain but it was an eye sore. I assumed it was probably due to some soap I used so I figured I’d wait it out (bad move). By Apr of 2013 practically the entire head of my penis had become reddish in color, and in addition to that the skin started to crack up and the skin started to come off (extremely dry skin). As the skin would begin to dry up and come off, sometimes it would hurt due to peeling off the skin underneath. I went to see a Urologist in Apr of 2014 and he gave me a prescription for a cream and some pills. He told me to take the pills and use the cream for a month (which I did) and it went away. However, I noticed it came back again, and I had to see the urologist a second time. He gave me another prescription (this time for a medicated cream only) and I used it again. The problem went away, and then came back again. At this point the urologist told me ‘I have no clue what the problem is. It can’t be cancerous because it would not be responsive at all to the cream I prescribed you, and it doesn’t hurt you when I push it. Go to a dermatologist’. At this point I’m pissed off because I wasted months paying co pays just for this guy to tell me to go to a dermatologist. Nov 2013 I went to a dermatologist and he stated I have something common called balanitis. He prescribed me a Hydrocortisone ointment 0.05 % and told me to use it twice a day for 30 days. I used the cream and noticed it wasn’t cutting it. It was working extremely slow, and by the time I went for my next appointment in early Dec 2013 the problem was still present. The dermatologist stated he would prescribe something stronger (Hydrocortisone ointment 0.2 %). Now at this point I became frustrated because I had enough of this already. I was tired of creams that didn’t work, and paying co pays while these doctors can’t figure it out. I started doing my research and read that ointments alone done cut it. I discovered that in addition to ointments you have to change your diet if you want to beat it. As a result I cut out most sugar from my diet. This is because sometimes yeast can be the root cause or part of the problem. I cut out all sweets, juice, fruits, and anything that contained lots of sugar. I also started taking all natural things daily that are known to help (grape fruit seed extract, garlic, organic coconut oil, and wild oregano oil). I also cut out alcohol because I’m an avid wine drinker. Every other day I use to have a glass to two glasses a day, alcohol contributes to yeast so I had to cut it out. Once I started doing all these things in conjunction with the cream I noticed a visible difference immediately. My skin color began to come back on the head of my penis, and the skin began to heal. I also would put Vaseline (no fragrance) on my penis twice a day and that helped as well. In addition I stopped using soap on my penis (due to soaps sometimes irritating it) and I used only water. Today is Dec 26 and my problem is essentially gone. Just here to share my story about what worked for me. Creams alone didn’t do it for me, but creams combined with a proper diet did. If this helps just one person then writing this was worth it. Peace.
Jennifer says
Wow! Thanks Michael! I am really glad that you decided to share your story. I think it is important for other men to realize that there is hope – naturally! Thanks and so glad that you are doing so well!
Jonny says
Hello I have a questions my top skin of my penis I have bumbs on it I really don’t know wat it can be bur it is really itchy and sore. Can anyone help me with this..?
Me says
Did the bumps itch? Blister then take a while to heal?
Adnan says
Hi Jennifer, My son is having this problem inside his meatus (interal penile passage), can i apply this coconut oil inside the penile opening with the help of a catheter?
Jennifer says
Oh wow! That is a new question to me. I really do not know the answer to that. Let me see what I can dig up for you.
Adnan says
Hi Jennifer,
Did you dig out a little bit on the question that i asked? Please reply, my son is in pain and he is very much disturbed when he is sleeping either at nights or morning, the problem seems to be persistent. Doctors don’t really know the answer to this, they operated him 2 times for this but all in vain. Now doctors suggested us to dilate him with the help of catheters and keep on doing it for a year or so. I really wanna get rid of this, please.
Appreciate your quick response.
Jennifer says
Hi Adnan,
Please note that I am NOT a medical professional in any way. What I learned is simply by doing research and may or may not work. I would advise against the use of a catheter. That might actually make things worse on its own. It would be better to soak the tip of the penis in liquefied coconut oil and let it naturally enter the passage. It will do so provided the tip is completely submerged. This would be a safer and less intrusive method to try. I sure do hope this helps! I cannot imagine what he is going through.
Adnan Fakhar says
Thank you Jennifer, I shall try what you suggested. I got a coconut oil but its not in liquid form. They claim that it is organic and it is pure. I am thinking of melting some of this oil on stove and then do what you suggested, correct?
Jennifer says
This is correct! I sure hope this helps you!
Jose says
Hi…i am starting to have a similar problem……could i have your e-mail for some questions?
Jose says
Or just here, i will try to tell my story (sorry for my english).
All my life i had some dark spots or marks in my penis glans, like 3 or 4 big and some smalls, but totally a simple hiperpigmentation that have been there all my life with no problems at all.
Like 2 months ago i started to see one of the spots being weird, like the skin lifted…some days after that skin peel off and removed, leaving like some kind of ulcera. I started to get really worried and as soon as i could i went to an urologist.
He thougth was a simple balanitis, even i am circunscided, and tell me to try a simple regenerative cream. I started to try it and not much effect….and even a second mark near started to be also weird, i got really panic….
I read in internet a lot, and while i was waiting for an appointment with dermatologits and another urologist, i tried a cream with clotrimazole….and also not much effect….but after a couple weeks one day it get really bad, those two marks get really red, and surrounded also red…and the top of the pennis surrounding uretra (the hole) and started to be a little itching and painful, that was the first time it get painful or itchy.
Then i went for a dermatologist friend of my family the next day, she said that was an eczema and maybe the clotimatroze cream was even bad for that and maybe made it so red, but anyway, for her, nothing to worry (not for me of course). Anyway, she told me to try a corticosteroid cream. The first days started to work really good and i even started to be happy and hopefully again. But it just worked on the two marks, that are exactly the hipermegtation marks, and no in the top of the pennis. And at some point started to be a little more painful even….so i decided not to take so much cream just in case, i think corticosteroids are not a playing thing. Well….some days after it get really really bad again, and even now almost all of my glans took a red colour, if i have an erection, masturbation, or sex, gets really red and irritated, and that never never happened to me……
I do not know what to do, and doctors are not giving me any solution.
Why are related the hiperpigmentation with the “ulceras”. The skin is not growing the same as in the other parts, it looks a little brigthy when ligth spot them.
Why is getting more irritative and red and bad every week? suppostly is not a STD because they made me test…but i am pretty sure that a bacteria or virus or something must be the cause of all this π
Salt baths are good? what more is good?
I am losing hope, if this keeps getting worse its the end of my sex life and will be really depressing………….i am in panic π
rigth now i decided for some weeks try not to have sex, neither masturbation neither nothing….
Jay says
Hey did u find anything out? I’m in he same boat. Thanks
John Anderson says
The article is brilliant, while in my case the doctor’s prescription of Candid and Primovate creams failed to work, along with other medications. Coconut oil worked marvellously, I was considering Neem oil too.
Lucy says
I have two intact sons and have never heard of this, nor experienced it. Great to know coconut oil works. Wonder if it would do the same for girls.
Daniela Castelli says
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! God bless you for this piece of advice!!! SO precious. Too bad I didn’t read it before. Today I went to the doctor and he pretty forcefully pulled back the skin on my son penis. He screamed. He said that it was not normal, that it shouldn’t hurt normally and this proved ha had balanitis , ar first they thought it was a UTI and gave him a few days of antibiotics which didn’t work. I think he has balanitis indeed. The doctor today prescribed a zinc oxide cream and Augmentin (antibiotic). I am not going to give him the antibiotic since I think it is a fungal infection (the doctor had done days ago a urine test and it came back negative for bacteria, so I don’t understand why he prescribed antibiotics!) At home I pulled back the skin too and my son was in a lot of pain, in order to wash it and apply the zinc cream. I really hope not to have damaged it!!! I wish I had read this before. He was begging me not to, but I thought I had to do it to cure him! I will apply the coconut oil. What a blessing this article is! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Dr.SachinJain says
hi, there great post helped me a lot, truly got excellent results of coconut oil in balanitis and other skin infections of glans and penile skin, thanks a lot. Dr Sachin Jain. ahmedabad gujarat, India.
Bimal says
I hv rash on penis head and redness and pain after sex. I visited urologist .they told me prostTe inflammation. Till now after 2years my symptoms is still persistent. I tried all cream prescribed by urologist. Totally helpless n feel my sex life is totAlly ruined. So help me by providing ur valuable tips
Jennifer says
Oh Bimal! I am terribly sorry that you are going through this. 2 years? Wow. It sounds like friction is your enemy. Although, if it is prostate inflammation, that is a whole other story. Do you have an herbalist you can go to? I think you might benefit from some teas and tinctures.
Shyam says
Hi thanks for this brilliant article and response.i think it might be d way I started using coconut oil.i got some improvement.tell me how to use it.i mean cold oil or warm.i am from Korea as foreigner.i visited two urologist but due to language barriers I failed to tell my problem n they just look at say its fine.rash pain redness all can be seen during I m doing self treatment .i think it might be irritation or glans inflammation .does coconut oil prove miracle to me.and for how long time I hv to use it for best result
Paula says
Thank you for sharing this information. I have 4 boys and so far 3 of them have suffered with balanitis. Unfortunately with the first I took him to the doctor and she prescribed an antibiotic. He only got it once. It wasn’t until a few years later that my other son got the same thing. The first time he suffered from it, I also took him to the doctor. Again it was the same treatment. I was a little irritated that she did not tell me anything about it, and just handed out an antibiotic. Thd next time he got an inflammation I did a little research and saw thst it can be caused from yeast. I happened to have some nystatin cream in the medicine cabinet and applied it. It did clear it up. Unfortunatly he got balanitis a couple more times after that. I think though I ended at the doctor because it would not clear it up with nystatin alone. He would get so uncomfortable and in pain thst I just caved with the antibiotics. We cloth diaper, and I think they have seen better days. He was the fourth to go through the cloth diapers. Which brings me to today. My 4th son who is 11months old, woke with balanitis. I am currently using coconut oil with do terras melaluca oil mixed in with it. I did apply nystatin first thing this morning because I did not know about using coconut oil until my sister in law filled me in on how awesome it is. I also let him soak in a salt water bath. It seems to be working. He doesn’t have any discomfort, but it is still red and swollen(not nearly as much as earlier).
I read in your blog that taking the coconut oil internally as well as applying topically works best. I will research if any harm comes to giving internally to my 11 month. I am also applying oregano oil and wild orange oil to the bottoms of his feet. I am praying this all does the job. I really don’t want to go the antibiotic route. Thanks again for posting with some other things to try.
MSwal says
Hi, I have a 15 year old son who developed a scar-like infection on his penile skin. The scar seems to be growing but it isn’t painful! I took him to the doctor and he prescribed some antibiotics but there was no difference. I haven’t taken him back yet! What could be the cause of this? Could I buy coconut oil for him? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!
Andre Uribe says
Thank you so much for writing this article. Much like your other commenters I was suffering from Balanitis. For me it’s only been about a month but what a terrible month it’s been. I only started today but the coconut oil has offered immediate relief, reduced the swelling of the sensitive tissue allowing me to retract my foreskin easily and I no longer feel the persistent itch of the dry skin. I can walk around in jeans without pain again, and it’s a very good feeling.
Eggy says
Thanks for this article. very informative. Good luck to you and your son and his penis.
Archi says
Great post! I just wanted to vouch for the amazing effects of this natural cure. I got the damn thing over a year ago after I had masturbated without lubrication and with my hands dirty. My penis head and foreskin were bright red, swollen, and sore immediately after. I then had a rash that lasted weeks. I tried prescribed anti fungal and anti bacterial creams with no real relief.
I began to experiment with homemade natural remedies and found something that worked. I began to use natural/pure tea tree soap to wash the area and pat it completely dry each time. I then used fresh aloe gel straight from the plant for a few days until the redness and soreness subsided.
I started to apply organic virgin coconut oil (known for curing infections while lubricating) with a drop or 2 of pure oregano oil (known for being a very potent anti microbial cure but burns like a mother when used undiluted) after every wash. Within a few weeks it all began to feel and look back to normal. After months of anguish, I am back on track and because of this experience I have adopted a very healthy practice of cleansing, maintenance, and lubrication with both hands and penis.
Scott says
Do you still use the coconut oil every day as part of your maintenance/cleaning routine? If not, could you specify what exactly you are using every day. I’m assuming not traditional soaps in the shower?
Looking forward to kicking my current infection and preventing this from every happening again.
Thank you, and thanks to you, Jennifer, for this helpful resource.
MichaelH says
Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that there are penis health cremes on the market that contain Vitamin A and shea butter. These two ingredients will soothe and help eliminate bacteria down in that area. I’ve been using one for a while now and it is really helping with hygiene and bacteria control. I have far fewer infections now than I did in the past. You guys should check these cremes out. Good stuff.
robin says
I just read everything written on this site .. including everyones posts and comments.
I think you guys are doing a great job spreading helpful information.
Coming to the point I’m a 25 year old male an I think I have balanitis in under the forskin an a little redness an blothchy skin I noticed it this morning an I’ve been trying to figure out why it happened an how to treat it .. not sure why but it came so I juat took your advice an applied coconut oil after washing it with plain water. Their is a little less pain an irritation then this morning an I hope it will get fixed by applying it.
Hoping for good results soon.
Jeremy says
This was very help as I too suffer from Balanitis. I’m in my Late 20’s and recently noticed that I have been getting it, so I’ve started using coconut oil. It was so bad that I got a urinary tract infection and my doc gave me bladder and yeast infection capsules to take along with kidney flush capsules. Still have 2 cuts on my foreskin so I hope the coconut oil helps. This condition does not target age so males of any age can get it. Thank you for your information.
lucky singh says
Hi. I m lucky 29 years of age very active in sexsual activity. Last year I just diagnosed by d doctor with hsv2 in my genital..I have 3 to 4 outbreaks. And pain with dat a hav balanitis to. But taking homeopathy medicine and using coconut oil.. I have a very good result…
Jay says
I can’t say how thankful I am to your post. Coconut oil works like miracle, of-course along with other sanitary and diet regulations.
In my case I have had tears on the inside of foreskin which I realized on the 2nd day cause there was no discomfort on the first day. I have researched it over internet and found that it developed into balanitis causing severe pain while urinating which only increased over time.
This is how I got rid of balanitis. Firstly I cleaned the area with salt water atleast twice a day and dried the area every-time I attended the nature calls. Later I applied turmeric powder which hurt but seemingly stopped the growth. It was still prevailing after three days.
Then I read about coconut oil, thinking that if this doesn’t sole the issue then I would go to the doctor. So, in the morning I would soak and clean the area with salt water, dry it and expose the infected area to the sunlight for few mins. Then using pipette applied few drops of coconut oil on the area. Later I would keep the area dry as much as possible. Before going to sleep. I would one again clean the area and apply the droplets of coconut oil.
On the 2nd day itself, I have observed changes, the balanitis became less visible and the pain was gone. By the end of third day, it was completely gone and healed perfectly. So in mere six days, I got rid of it.
Along with it, I have strictly avoided sweet substances either liquid or solid, drank buttermilk twice a day.
Hope this helps someone else, like this original post helped me.
Jennifer says
Hi Jay,
So glad that you were able to find relief!!! π
Inder Jeet Singh says
Hi I am a 53 yeear old Indian man. Through an unforunate incident, I got Prostatitis and also Balinitis since January 1994. I have been to a number of Urologists and GPs but without luck. I am happy to see the results of using coconut oil. I have a reddish glans penis that pains and I cannot think of having sex. Grateful for your advice in the matter – will give up sweet things. But what other dietary changes are required to be made? Best regards, Inder
Ola says
Man its real, coconut oil is best for balanitis, warm oil, and daily 3 times atleast.
Charles says
I have found opening a probiotic capsule and dissolving into the coconut oil works especially fast and really well.
Doni says
Hi, just want to ask a question about the coconut oil. Which one is it? The cooking one or the skin care one? Do I need to drink it as it is or in a meal? Do you have any particular brand?
Jennifer says
Hi Doni,
If you are going to consume it, you want to use unrefined coconut oil. I like this one:
You can take it straight, cook with it, bake with it, add it to a smoothie, etc… Doesn’t matter how you get it in, just make sure you are consuming it.
kalyan says
my foreskin is not covering the penis head (once used to be) . i can manually make it cover but it rolls back afterwards. i think it is paraphimosis. but there is no pain .
Kuldipji says
Thanks for ur advice on coconut oil, in India parachute brand coconut oil we are using for hair, same shall try for balanitis.
Anonymous says
This is a very valuable information. I wanted to know what solution you recommend for cleaning the foreskin and genital before applying coconut oil. If they are available in US – pharmacy/supermarket please let me know the solution details or how to prepare at home in case if this has to be home made. Some people suggest Epsom salt, not sure of the concentration to be used.
Jennifer says
Yes, epson salt is great. Mix 1 tablespoon salt into a cup of hot water. If it is too strong, just add a bit more water.
Doman chandra Mahato says
Hi, Really it is a very fruitful information for men suffering with balanits which is common occurred.
Kuldipji says
Thanks for ur article, the coconut oil applied for one month, applied twice a day , after retracting my fore skin back from the infected glans, this was very painful but lignox 2 percent , cream Lignocaine hydrochloride gel IP made it easy, then wash it with Luke warm water, dry it with wipes used by children , applied coconut oil
Virgin non scented. I am 60 yrs old, so I stopped all sugar intake for one month. My name is Kuldipji
Russ says
By the grace of God I was able to locate this information. Our midwife was able to give us solid enough advice to ensure it was a yeast infection. There was a red line running underneath his penis extending to the tip and the tip was inflamed. Being a dad, I was slightly panicked because I couldn’t if it was an internal under the foreskin. Luckily I stayed calm and just followed your protocol with the coconut oil. We gave him a nice salt water bath followed by an application of coconut oil before bedtime. By morning there was a remarkable change!!! He was not complaining about the pain anymore. We followed this treatment for 3 days, reapplying the coconut oil 2-3 times daily. One night my wife made a hot compress with lavender and chamomile, which is great too. But the coconut oil, really impressive. Now he’s completely healed, Jah Bless You
Jennifer says
Wonderful!!! Comments like this just warm my heart. π
Guti says
Hi, last week something similar to what everybody has I had some red dots, no pain or itch at all, it’s just there , but it seems to be going away on its own, can I apply coconut oil on that to help it heal faster?
Jennifer says
amit says
Hi Jennifer wanted to tell you I enjoyed reading your posts are very interesting and have a question you need I think I have inflammation of the glans penis I wanted to know if coconut oil help me? And how do I use it correctly? Also wrote previously clean the area with water if salt is not salt does the opposite and cause damage to the skin? Have a nice day!!!
Jennifer says
Hi Amit! I would give coconut oil a try for sure. You can take it internally – try one tablespoon per day and feel free to add it to other foods. I would also cover the area with coconut oil daily. While salt water can be helpful, it can damage already sensitive skin. I would actually try apple cider vinegar for cleaning and then rinse with water. Good luck!
jason says
Thanks for the advice. I just tried the coconut oil remedy this morning and it seems to be even more irritated and also more red in color. i wonder if this is normal. Im thinking of not applying it again and seeing if it will go back to how it was before I applied the coconut oil.
Has anyone experienced worse visual side effects after applying the coconut oil?
Jennifer says
This can be either your body detoxing OR an allergic reaction. If it it simply red in color and there are no additional symptoms, I would say give it another few days and stop if other symptoms develop.
Josh says
Can coconut oil be used for urethra warts and if yes besides intake can it be applied to the warts if visible in the urethra
Eddy says
Is organic coconut oil okay? And is it okay if I still workout or play sports or is it better if I stop, and if so for how long?
Jennifer says
Organic is always best! Honestly, physical activity will be a personal choice based on how things feel physically. It is certainly safe and ok so long as you are not in pain or discomfort.
Piyush says
about a couple of weeks ago I had sex without using protection, then after couple of weeks my penis started a kind of itching sensation. I went to doctor they gave me antibiotics and it seemed to be cured within a week. Then I thought now it might be okey to have some sex but I did not have sex just had rough moments before ejaculation. And suddenly after an hour I started getting the sting kind of pain while urinating and also have a slight pain when I try to touch at the top lips of my penis.
Did I screwed up big time or is might be just due to rough moments? or is it something else. I am really worried and feel like getting out of this as soon as possible.
Jennifer says
This is hard to answer. It sounds like it might be an STD. I would get checked by a doctor for sure.
Ravi says
Hi Jenni,
I got Married in may, everything was going well till 28 August 2017 , next day i had sex with my wife but slept without cleaning my penis and next day too i havnt had my bath as i got fever ……
I just slept without having food ,bath etc…
The very next day morning i started feeling some pain while pissing i just ignored it …
On 30th morning i noticed swelling and some bubble above the nib skin i was very much worried
Without any doctor consult i searched for some anti fungal creams but it made very painful and the bubbles started growing
But today on 2 Sep @ 2 am midnight i decided to stop anti fungal creams and go with some home remedies as said coconut oil
Hope this will work
God bless u dear Sis
Theresa says
This gives me hope! How scared am I! My 3 year old son is currently affected by balanitis. I took him to ER yesterday, father and I both worried. I vome across you blog through Google-Using pure coconut oil for balanitis. πππ Just making sure I understand melting is correct use? For external use.
Jennifer says
You can melt it or use it in a more solid form. Body heat will melt it as you apply it. π So glad you found me and best wishes for speedy healing for your son!
Munaz Maldives says
Hy m munax from Maldives.. my son is three years old and now he was having itching in foreskin area n every time he is touching that area… in this case I can try for coconut oil
Jennifer says
Yes, you can absolutely try coconut oil!
JoeM says
There is a penis health creme available called Man 1 Man Oil that treats all sorts of skin issues down there. You guys should check it out.. it is full of vitamins and proteins that heal up the skin very nicely. Hope this helps.
Nora Mae Smith says
This is hopefully going to help a young almost three year old with his balanitis issue…I have 6 boys only 2 have thier foreskin though and with so many grandsons and nephews had never heard of this kind of problem…my almost 3 years old grandson is the first I have even seen of this kind of case… I try to work with most natural remedies. After seeing the site and reading the posts …I have sent to my grandsons parents and will be pulling the coconut oil out to make ready warm oils for not only my grandson but to start using with my granddaughter and my self…
Thank you for sharing world wide. Lets cure the world of ills with home remedies.
Nora Mae Ball Smith Pacific NorthWest USA
Nora Mae says
I just had to come back and let you know that that coconut oil really draws out the CRAP that starts the pains ….after texting this morning I ran a very warm bath letting the coconut oil melt in the jar via just placing it in the bath while the water runs got my grad son in to the tub and had warm oil to pour over his penis.
Capping the jar of coconut oil back up…yes this is the jar of lard like oils that is to be melted…. My other daughter in law uses the stuff every bath so my grandsons mom has a jar her self but uses it only every now and then.. As I was dressing my grandson noticed white stuff oozing out of his opening….I retracted just enough to get that stuff out… But the head of his penis is like not as hard as it was from last night when he started hurting… I think we caught this right on time…now thinking he well get a warm oil treatment after each change as he still is not potty trained. And treating the granddaughter whom is 1 1/2 as preventive measures… Remembering my painful times as a toddler with yeast infections…man I never had to worry about this with my children. I now am on a wonder if its just the water up here in Washington State or some other issue…I too fight bladder infections here in Washington but in Wyoming or AZ never had a problem….
But thanks to the coconut oil we will all be ok.
Ac says
I get BV constantly since I’ve had a hysterectomy. And sometimes I dont know I have it again and have sex with my husband and he gets balanitis. So that may also be a cause. We use coconut oil and balanitis o/c anti itch cream.
Karthik says
Coconut oil cures my balanitis completely. Thank you so much. I have other question. If we use this for longer period during the healing process or after the healing process, will i get erectile problem? please clarify.
Jennifer says
Hi there! No, coconut oil will not cause issues like that!
Karthik says
Thanks for your response.
Dylan says
Is Coconut Oil best used by itself for treating balanatis? Should I mixed anything else to it or not? I’ve had it for over 2 months after attempting to have sex (used a few condoms) and had baby wipes and lubricant put on me. Went to Doctor got tested for STI’s all negative, urine normal, bloodtest,normal, Took Flucanazole it sort of worked but problem recently came back with a lot of itching and sorness across the penis.
Thank you.
Jennifer says
It honestly works best by itself. There are some essential oils that can be added, carefully seeing it is a delicate area, but really coconut oil should be used alone.