There is a lot of confusion about coconut products (namely coconut oil) and the blood type diet. One of the most frequently asked questions from those who read my 333 Uses For Coconut Oil post is what my take is on the blood type diet and the concern for Blood Type O people consuming coconut oil and other coconut products.
Coconut Oil and Blood Type O
I wrote a post on What To Eat On The Blood Type Diet some time ago. You might want to check it out if you have no idea what the Blood Type Diet is all about. I have to admit that while I do think that there is some merit to it, I also remain a tad skeptical. I know that I can eat some of the forbidden foods with no adverse effects. I also know that there are indeed some forbidden foods that do me no favors. So honestly, the verdict is out for me on the Blood Type Diet. However, I know many people swear by it and that is where the concern is when it comes to coconut products and the Type O’s of the world.
According to the diet, Blood Type O individuals are credited with being the original human blood type. Blood Type O was the blood type of the hunter-gatherer nomads of the African plains that subsisted from fruits and berries naturally growing and whatever could be killed from the game herds that migrated across the continent. These early hunters subsisted from no agricultural products and likely no dairy products, thus Blood Type O individuals are sensitive to milk, eggs, and most agriculture (grains, wheat, etc).
Here is where the confusion comes in regarding coconut and blood type O.
In theory, coconut was NOT a food consumed by the hunter-gatherer nomads of the African plains. Although it is not considered an agricultural product per say, it is also not considered to be a naturally growing product according to several proponents of the Blood Type diet. Uh, correct me if I am wrong but last I checked coconuts were high up there on the naturally growing food item chain! Sure, they have become part of the agricultural world today but for hundreds of thousands of years, coconut palms were not farmed.
Another argument against consuming coconut oil is that it will prohibit weight loss and possibly lead to weight gain in Type O individuals. You see, Blood Type Os are known for having a sluggish thyroid. However, coconut oil is known for AIDING in weight loss and supporting thyroid function. Confused much?
I wrote an entire post on Hashimoto’s Disease which is triggered by a low functioning thyroid. In my post, I explored how coconut oil can aid in improving thyroid function. I suggest you read that post for a better understanding of why a Type O with a sluggish thyroid would benefit, and not be harmed by consuming coconut oil.
Important to note – the saturated fats in coconut oil contribute to weight loss and controlling food cravings. It also increases metabolic rate. So really, the argument that Blood Type O individuals should avoid coconut oil because they will gain weight is invalid in my opinion and based on my research.
The Problem With Blood Type O
Although Type O’s are known for being rather healthy, they are prone to stomach problems including ulcers and heartburn. Other common health issues that Blood Type O individuals face are a hypersensitivity to allergens (especially mold), arthritis, low clotting factor (vitamin K deficiency), and diabetes.
Coconut oil is known for its ability to aid with the symptoms of all of these health issues and in some individuals may actually prevent the above mentioned health issues. For individuals with diabetes it is known for keeping blood sugar levels stable and for controlling sugar cravings. For those suffering from hayfever, rubbing a little coconut oil inside the nostril can be helpful in clearing a runny nose and ending sneezing bouts.
Taken internally it will help build immunity against certain allergens. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids so anyone experiencing a Vitamin K deficiency (are anyone prone to one) would benefit from coconut oil. For anyone suffering from arthritis, coconut oil will reduce inflammation, aid in pain management, and lubricate the joints.
At the end of the day, only YOU can decide what is best for your health. If you feel that consuming coconut oil is too risky and that its health benefits do not outweigh your concerns about coconut oil and being a Type O, then by all means, do not consume it. But in my humble opinion, coconut oil is simply to powerful of a healer to NOT consume regularly.
Like everything else in life, start slow and see how your body reacts. Gradually increase the amount of coconut oil you consume daily and if you have no adverse effects then hop on board the coconut oil train and don’t look back. If you do have some adverse reactions then either scale back on the amount you are consuming or avoid it. Again, your body – your choice.
Don’ t forget to read the other posts in my Coconut Health series!
Wondering where to purchase coconut oil? These are my favorite brands!
Sources for this article include:
Eva says
This is very interesting, have you read the newest book by D’Adamo “The Genotype Diet”? That makes things even more complicated.
Faye says
I did look in to the blood type diet but there were things that didn’t fully ring true for me. I have found when I was cooking with coconut oil and making some of your yummy ‘sweets’ that I didn’t feel as depressed. I must start using it again, it’s dwindled in my diet for some reason!
Faye xxx
Pamina says
Apparently, coconut oil was an “Avoid” for all blood types, until some changes were made. The blood type diet list is constantly being revised, so you can’t really rely very much on it.
FeyG says
Despite what people say about coconut oil doing all those good things, in me it makes me have immflamation. Can’t even put it on my skin!!! I then found out about the Blood group diet, I am type O! So maybe it really does have some science in it!!
BGD says coconut oil makes typeO sick. Well it’s true for me!!! I used to be so puzzled, how come all this info about how great coconut oil is, yet it makes me ill
Ashli says
I’m blood type O and have zero problems with coconut. It does wonders for me. There is absolutely NO supporting evidence for any of the claims made by the blood type diet people and they are fairly easy to debunk. A is actually the earliest blood type and the one we shared with or common ancestor before humans split with the branch who would go on to become chimps. B blood type split off from A about 3.5 million years ago and O split off about 2.5 million years ago, making it the “newest” blood type. Make no mistake, all blood types are prehistoric though. I hate to see people denying themselves healthful and beneficial foods due to some fad diet with zero dietary evidence to support it. Any food issues experienced should most definitely be investigated, but use your own common sense and listen to your body. Not some guy in Hollywood who wants to start another celebrity diet trend.
Pam says
It’s helped me lose weight and nearly cleared my psoriasis. I think the blood type diet is great but as individuals there are things that aren’t accurate. I can’t eat apples or bananas.
caramimi says
I agree with your post on many levels. My opinion is still out as well! Well from my personal experience, I veer on the “no go” side.
I am blood type 0 (with a sister who is type B –go figure), and I’m also hypothyroid, suffered from adrenal fatigue, and a Pacific Islander who was practically breast-fed eating all stages of the coconut.
As I researched into naturally healing myself, I navigated away from a high-grain/Western style diet towards whole foods (I take from WAPF, GAPS, and paleo). During this time I started to eat saturated fats –most especially coconut oil– on a daily basis. After 2 years of steady recovery, I can absolutely attest to regained energy, a steady mood (less brain fog/depression), and my former cystic-acne riddled skin looks great now.
Stephanie W. says
This is interesting! I like coconut and have type O blood, as well as Hashimoto’s. But, I do have to be careful about coconut, especially with my currently leaky gut. My body reacts if I have too much coconut. 🙁
Jo Ann Henderson says
I too have been diagnosed in the past with Hashimoto’s, and am currently experiencing Hyperthyroid disease instead of the Sluggish (hypothyroid) as mentioned in the article for Type “O”. Agreed that this disease comes from a poor digestive system or leaky gut. My body is starting to react with (brown) coconut milk, but not with the (green) coconut water. It’s so delicious yogurt sometimes give me a reaction. This may be due to getting older also.
Sondra says
You must add iodine back in. Lifesaver
BChanning says
Lectins are proteins and there are no proteins in fat. I do not do well with coconut meat and seem to do well with coconut fat. Coconut oil seems to be excellent. Separating the proteins (lectins) from the fat may be the key.
Pam says
Me too. It’s helped my psoriasis. But coconut itself makes me sick. I ate a piece of coconut cake once and puked all night.
Jennifer Saleem says
@Stephanie W. Can you share with me exactly what kind of reaction you have from coconut? I am compiling a post on this and looking for more “real life” experiences that I can research. Thanks!
Jo Ann Henderson says
Gastric type of reaction that effect my thyroid or heart. I don’t know if it good for my hyperthyroid or not, because my thyroid is producing too much thyroid. My heart beats fast now after eating or drinking something with coconut milk in it. It may be due to medications used also. Maybe it’s hard for me to digest now. Or it maybe cleaning out an organ. I am just cutting down on my consumption.
Pam says
I started using coconut oil a few years ago and lost a lot of weight and my psoriasis began to clear up. But I cannot eat coconut itself because it makes me sick.
Jennifer says
I know a lot of people cannot tolerate certain forms of coconut. I do much better with coconut oil in general and typically can’t handle coconut butter all that well.
El says
Hi Jennifer
I also have the book by Dr. D’Adamo which made me a bit leary about adding it to my dietary intake. I have been using coconut oil for many years now and have no adverse effects. In fact it has helped me drop over 50 pounds which I have kept off. I do credit coconut oil for helping me to achieve the weight loss as well adopting a vegan, high raw lifestyle. I am also a blood type O.
From my understanding, per Dr. Gabriel Cousens ~ Dr. A’Damo or his father allegedly stole the works of another physician and bastardized his findings. I am not in the habit of discredited someone’s work nor partaking in gossip but did feel it was something worth mentioning.
I found the book originally when I was searching for allergy-like reactions to black pepper. Something that was plaguing me over 4 years ago. According to his book black pepper is not recommended for O types. I do feel there is an element of truth to his works but also have realized that its good practice not subscribe to any one belief ‘trying to remain open minded and most importantly maintain an intimate relationship with my body. Our body does know best and will communicate when something is or is not beneficial. We only have to listen closely.
As far as candida is concerned I do believe it may be helpful but not necessarily cure it.
Hope this post is helpful to your readers.
Paulina says
I’m not familiar with the blood type diet, though I’ve heard of it. From personal experience, my family switched to coconut oil about 6 months ago. My son and I are blood type 0 and pescetarian. We eliminated all types of oils, butters and margarine from our diet and use only coconut oil. Within the first two weeks I lost 10 lbs without changing anything else about my diet! The best part is that it STAYS off, despite me having a huge sugar addiction. It absolutely helped get me back to pre-pregnancy weight. Can’t ask for more 😉
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mae says
I just wanted to say that I dont’ want to lose weight using coconut oil but reap all the benefits; is that possible????
Jennifer says
Coconut oil is amazing at knowing whether you need to loose or gain weight or stay the same. If you have a good metabolism, you probably will be fine. If you have thyroid issues or metabolism issues, coconut oil will possibly help regulate those which could mean a temporary weight gain or loss during the transition period.
sharon simon says
I have been looking at the Blood Type Diet, I notice that he says for O-type recommends soy milk?????? Doesn’t give me much faith in it given all the bad stuff with soy.
I use coconut milk, I make my own, and was wondering about that with coconut for O-type which I am.
sharon simon says
I have been looking at the Blood Type Diet, I notice that he says for O-type recommends soy milk?????? Doesn’t give me much faith in it given all the bad stuff with soy.
I use coconut milk, I make my own, and was wondering about that with coconut for O-type which I am. Actually, I notice he has coconut to be avoided by all blood types.
Jennifer says
A lot of people are still ignorant about soy. I take the Blood Type Diet with a grain of salt. As for coconut oil. I wrote an entire post about that.
Ant says
Nothing wrong with Soy, it is what the Western world did are are doing with it. In the East in is fermented before use…… big difference
marina says
I really like your blog Jennifer and I will continue to come here to see what you are thinking this week. I am type O blood and have been working on vegan and vegetarian lifestyle but I get so much bloating, it is becoming unbearable. I am now going to take coconut oil in earnest for awhile, before meals and in cooking, to see if there is any difference. I also researched that bladder wrack helps to normalize a sluggish metaboolism and helps to produce weight loss and less bloating. My partner is a hunter and I am going to try a tiny bit of meat into my diet. We also fish so we will be consuming wild trout and salmon. I thought I was doing us a favour when I put us on a strick Kitcherie diet (lentils, rice and veggies) for five months. I did not lose weight and I felt bloated alot. We did raw vegan all summer using foods from our organic garden, and I did lose some weight, but began bloating again when I reintroduced cooked legumes, beans, rice and veggies.
Okay, I am on yet another quest for good health by working with the tenets of the Blood type diet. I am muscle testing everything now, so that should help. Glad to know there are others out there that are so concerned with their diets.
Jennifer says
Hi Marina! I am a former vegetarian. I must share that I had similar problems. Grains caused me to be bloated all the time and my metabolism tanked. It is darn hard to be a vegetarian without consuming grains. I did a complete 180 and basically went full blown paleo. I eat tons of meat, veggies, a wee bit of fruit and NO grains, lentils, or beans. I do eat dairy. My metabolism rocks and I am rarely bloated. Keep on with the muscle testing. I have found that to be very helpful!
Georgie says
I have been on a quest for good health most of my life. I also have been a vegan and have been finding that I have a lot of trouble with GERD. After reading the Blood Type Diet for Type O I have decided to try it. I will be using coconut oil along with the diet. I have used coconut oil for many years and love it.
Jennifer says
Hi Georgie! Let me know how it goes! Good luck on your journey for better health!
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Peter Piper says
How can this be? I used to follow the blood type diet religiously. And I STILL combine it with my keto diet, but since I believe it’s wrong about coconut, I DO eat coconut, drink coconut milk and use coconut oil. No negative effects so far.
Linda says
I have to say that I’m skeptical of the skeptics when it comes to the Blood Type Diet. For instance, you say that some forbidden foods don’t affect you. HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU KNOW THAT? You’d have to have a blood test after each consumption of a forbidden food. Most people don’t even do a blood glucose level test, let alone a blood test to see how the offending food affected you. GOOD GRIEF! There are a lot of so-called “scientists” here who want to state as fact that certain forbidden foods on the Blood Type Diet don’t affect them. PLEASE… let’s be honest.
SLT/MD says
Are ANY of you aware of the phenomenon called ‘receptor capping?’ If you were, you would KNOW that coconut is not a good food for blood type O persons. Coconut is a food that does that to the receptors of blood type O individuals. It doesn’t matter where or not you “feel it.” Persons who disagree with Dr. D’Adamo on this about coconut need to do their own testing… which NONE of them do. Why do people think they know a subject better than someone who has studied and has proven testing results? Makes no sense….