Headaches stink. Period. I have yet to meet someone who jumps for joy when their head starts pounding.
I’m not prone to headaches but when I get one, I feel like the world is coming to an end. Basically I am a big ol’ baby about it.
As a lover of all things natural health related, I prefer not to dull the pain with over-the-counter remedies. However, until recently, I hadn’t found a natural remedy that did the trick.
It took quite a bit of experimenting but I finally created an herbal tincture that offered me some pretty amazing headache relief. And so today, I pass my recipe along to you! I won’t make any promises but give it and try and let me know how it works.
Headache-Be-Gone Herbal Tincture
Headache Be Gone Herbal Tincture
An herbal tincture that works wonders for any headache. Easy to make and budget friendly. It doesn't take much to feel relief. Taste yummy too!
- 2/3 cup dried chamomile flowers
- 2/3 cup dried yarrow flowers
- 2/3 cup dried peppermint leaf
- 2/3 cup dried catnip herb
- 100 proof vodka
- Put all herbs in 1 quart mason glass jar
- Pour 80-100 proof vodka over herbs, filling jar
- Let steep at least two weeks, but preferably 2 months, shaking daily.
- Store in cool, dark place.
- After 2 weeks-2 months, strain liquid through cheesecloth and store in glass dropper bottles for easy use. Store in a cool, dark place and it will last indefinitely.
Use 8-10 drops for persons over age 2 whenever ill.
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Where can you find the herbs to make this herbal headache tincture?
I get most of my herbs from my affiliate partner Amazon. I love the Frontier brand and Starwest Botanical brand available from Amazon.
Shane says
Hi I have a brain Aneurysm and I suffer from migraines I have had two strokes witch has effected my speech could u recommend any thing take for the pain I get from the migraines some day can be really bad I don’t what to get out of bed please can I get some advice as my dc amd hospital are useless Mr s travis
Jennifer says
Hi Shane! I am so sorry to hear this. My dear friend had an aneurysm and over time, the migraines resolved. I sure hope this is the case for you. Migraines typically require something pretty strong. I have heard that this natural product works rather well: http://amzn.to/1pOGpUj. Also, have you tried acupuncture? That can really do wonders at prevention. I sure do wish you luck and if I can think of other suggestions I will come back here and comment.
Lisa says
I’m curious about this and may have to try this combo. I already love using peppermint essential oil for headaches, but it doesn’t always take care of it 100% on it’s own. When you say use 8-10 drops, are you using this topically or internally? Thanks!
Jennifer says
Hi Lisa! Huh – I should clarify that shouldn’t I? Thanks for asking. That would be internally.
Lisa says
No problem, thanks! 🙂