Prostate enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is extremely common in men as they age. Prostate enlargement can start after the age of 40 and becomes more common as men get older. It affects nearly all men, though some men do not have any symptoms even though their prostate may have started to grow larger. More than half of men in their sixties and as many as 90% of men in their seventies and beyond exhibit some symptoms of prostate enlargement.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a small, but important gland (organ) in the male reproductive system. Its main role is to make fluid that protects and feeds sperm. The prostate makes about one third of the fluid that is ejaculated (released) from the penis at the time of orgasm.
Where is the prostate?
The prostate is about the size of a walnut and is shaped like a doughnut. The prostate sits underneath the bladder, and surrounds the top part of the urinary tract. Urine passes through the urinary tract on its way from the bladder to the penis.
Why does the prostate become enlarged?
As men age, the male hormone testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and accumulates in the prostate gland. This encourages the growth of cells in the prostate which in turn makes the prostate grow in size. So as men grow older, the prostate grows.
At puberty, testosterone levels in boys start to increase and the prostate grows to about eight times its size. It continues to grow, doubling in size between 21 and 50 years, and almost doubles again in size between 50 and 80 years. The reasons for this ongoing growth are not fully understood.
Prostate enlargement is not JUST a part of aging. Lifestyle and diet can potentially play an important role. Dr. Bruce Fife specifically mentions in his book “The Coconut Oil Miracle,” that prostate enlargement is really only a major problem in westernized countries. He believes this is due to the consumption of processed foods and a more sedentary lifestyle. Men who live in less westernized areas do not appear to be troubles by prostate enlargement as much.
What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)?
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (increase in the number of cells) or hypertrophy (increase in cell size) is the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. BPH is the most common prostate disease in men. As the prostate is positioned around the urinary tract, the enlargement of the prostate makes the urinary tract narrow and puts pressure on the base of the bladder. Narrowing of the urinary tract can affect the passing of urine in a number of ways.
What are the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or an Enlarged Prostate?
- Trouble starting a urine stream or making more than a dribble
- Passing urine often, especially at night
- Feeling that the bladder has not fully emptied
- A strong or sudden urge to pass urine
- Weak or slow urine stream
- Stopping and starting again several times while passing urine
- Pushing or straining to begin passing urine
At its worst, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia can lead to
- A weak bladder
- Backflow of urine causing bladder or kidney infections
- Complete block in the flow of urine
- Kidney failure
What About Coconut Oil For Prostate Health?
In order to understand how coconut oil might actually assistant with prostate enlargement, we much first look at Saw palmetto, the berries of a subtropical plant that are a proven herbal remedy for an enlarged prostate.
In order to slow or stop Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, you need to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. There are several drugs on the market that do this but not everyone wants to go onto pharmaceuticals that may cause additional issues with health and wellness. Saw palmetto berries were found to block the toxic effect of DHT formation.
Saw palmetto’s supportive benefits are derived primarily from the fatty acids in the berries. Many of these fatty acids are medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), something that coconut oil is loaded with. It would stand to reason that if the MCFAs in saw palmetto effectively support prostate health, that the MCFAs in coconut oil would too.
Be sure to check out other posts on Coconut Oil over on my Coconut Health page! There are quite a few related to men’s health issues. You especially don’t want to miss out on the many uses of coconut oil.
Sources for this article include:
Rosie says
I keep subscribed to your newsletter cos I want to know how YOU are going after you surgery.
Love Rosie
Jennifer says
Thanks Rosie! I appreciate the support. I’m hanging in there. 🙂
Bart Walton says
Jennifer, You’re on the right track. I will refer you to a study published on Pub Med about the positive effects of coconut oil on BPH. Go to:
All the best, BW
Jennifer says
Thank you Bart!
Tony Cook says
Hi Jennifer
‘sounds like your evidence for the benefits of coconut oil in preventing and treating prostate hyperplasia and cancer is that you sell coconut oil and you’d like it to be true.
Fair enough 🙂
Jennifer says
I do not sell coconut oil.
Frank says
I have been taking coconut oil for almost 3 months because I read of it’s health benefits.
I never thought it might help the prostate.
However I took note the last week or so that I no longer have to wait and wait to urinate.
So when I took the coconut oil this morning I got to wondering if it has been the reason I now can go freely. That’s why I searched and found your information.
Jennifer says
What great news! I am happy to hear that coconut oil has helped.
R. Hyder Choudhury says
Some of my friend advised me to drink Green Coconut water regularly. It will squeeze
my enlarged Prostate. Surgery not necessary. Accordingly I am taking. Pleasae comment.
Jennifer says
Hmmm….this is a new one on me. I will need to look into this further. It won’t hurt to drink young coconut water but I am not sure exactly how this will will shrink the prostate.
Anuj Gupta@Prostate Cancer Hospitals in India says
It was a great and helpful post. Thanks for sharing.
Georges says
I greatly thank you. The post is eye opener.
Alaina Albert says
“Well, it surprised me that coconut oil can help in maintaining prostate health and managing the symptoms of BPH or enlarged prostate. It will help all those men who experience the BPH condition.
Thanks for the interesting post!”
Susan Davis says
Yeah, coconut oil has many health benefits and I am surprised reading this post about coconut oil for prostate health. Thanks for sharing such a great post. In addition to more of its benefits:
– It reduces hunger
– It helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease
– It boosts your testosterone levels
– It may treat fungal infections
Josh oye says
Pls is coconut oil sold in pills or supplements and can i get it?and r u talking about normal coconut oil?ie d liquid inside a coconut?
Jennifer says
You don’t want to waste your money on coconut oil pills. You would have to take hundreds per day. Instead, just use the coconut oil you find at the grocery store in a jar.
Charles says
how much coconut oil should one take for enlarged prostate?
Jennifer says
Honestly there is no hard and firm answer to that. Just start adding it to your diet and increase as you can.
Soman says
I read your post, I have an enlarged prostate.
Do I have to take the coconut oil just like that or cooking in my daily food.
please advise.
Jennifer says
Hi Soman! You can consume the coconut oil in whatever way you enjoy it. If you can take a little “raw” each day that is better but if you prefer cooking with it that is fine too.
Soman says
I went to Dr he gave me Alfusin T is that good.or shallI discontinue.
seeking advise.
Jennifer says
That is a very common treatment and I would not discontinue without your doctor’s agreement. It may be what you need to “kickstart” getting your prostate healthy again.