Did you know that everything, I mean absolutely everything on this planet (including you, me, and the Earth itself), has a vibrational frequency? In fact, scientifically speaking (and this one will blow your mind), that is how everything exists in the first place, as we are all REALLY just light vibrating at a specific frequency…in the grand scheme of things that means that everything that seems solid is really just pure energy vibrating at a specific speed to hold it’s shape.
Doesn’t that make you re-think your entire world? It is always hard for me to grasp, to say the least, but that’s why I love physics so much. It explains so much mystery and magic in this world.
In any case, because of these facts, vibrational healing has been used for thousands of years along side herbal healing. The ancients had a much closer connection to the Earth, and were more able to see the effects that they reaped from being so close to her. Their “every day” was so closely tied to each cosmic cycle they encountered, that it seems like they had a better grasp of reality than we do today.
Gemstones and crystals have long played an important role in healing. I recommend using healing gemstones and crystals for children. I also suggest that you try gemstone elixirs for ultimate healing!
Gemstone elixirs help capture the vibrations
You can in fact capture the healing properties that these crystals contain, just by making gemstone elixirs. Using water, the energy from the sun/moon, your rocks/gemstones, and positive thoughts, you can change the waters frequency to that of the gemstones and positive thoughts. This is helpful when added to sprays that are meant to calm, soothe, or even clear one’s aura.
You can use gemstone elixirs in baths and body sprays
If you hadn’t already guessed, I am making MY gemstone elixirs for chakra healing purposes! I picked crystals from my collection that are usually associated with specific chakras and am going to use the resulting chakra gemstone elixirs for some yoga/meditation chakra body/aura sprays! You just add the gem elixir in place of some of the water in your recipe, add your essential oils and spray.
Homemade Gemstone Elixirs
- your favorite rocks/gemstones (crystal quartz, amethyst, labradite, etc..)
- spring water/pure water/distilled water
- glass jar/bowl/cup with a lid (you can cover the cup/bowl with a plastic lid but the container itself should not be plastic)
- essential oils (optional – for making sprays!)
- Take a moment to set your intentions and ask God/Goddess/Angels to bless your elixirs. Keep the highest of intentions in mind when creating your elixirs. (We know from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water experiments that giving positive thoughts and prayers of love can enhance the life of something. Negative thoughts will do the opposite. Always keep the positive in your mind when working with energy and healing of any form! You can bring into existence anything that you “put your mind to”.)
- Wash your crystals/gemstones and place them into your jar. Fill with water, put the lid on and put out into the sunshine/moonshine/stars for 3 days and nights.
- After 3 days, if you like, add some 80 proof vodka (or other strong alcohol) to preserve the gem essence and store in a cool dark place.
- Use your gemstone elixirs in your baths, body sprays, and room sprays. You can spray around yourself before meditation or yoga, and even some people ingest them internally, though this is not suggested without knowledge of your crystals, since some crystals can be toxic if ingested internally.
Katie says
WHOA! I’ve been a long-time user of healing crystals– they are all over my house, in grids, and I make them into healing jewelry– but never thought to do this! What a great idea. I can’t wait to give it a shot.
Wonderful article! Thanks!
peace and love,