I will ONLY endorse materials that I can firmly stand behind, that I feel offer something valuable to everyone, that are well worth the money, and that will have a positive and immediate impact on your life/lifestyle. Click on any link to jump to that section
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil Reference Books
Herbs & Essential Oils
Must-Have Herbal Reference Books
Supplements I Use
Personal Care Products
Natural Health Books I Adore
Toxic Mold
My Favorite Cookbooks
My Kitchen Gadgets
Allergy Friendly Baking Products
I hope that my recommendations are as valuable to you as they are to me. 95% of the products I am endorsing here have been products that I have discovered on my own, researched thoroughly, and then purchased. A few of the eBooks have been provided to me for the purpose of reviewing only AFTER I specifically requested them. I do not currently, nor will I ever, do a paid review on my blog. Please note that this is just a sampling of all the products I use and love. You would be here for hours otherwise. 🙂